jueves, 21 de mayo de 2009

same plans, components, machinery,model, it works.

The terminator franchise have inspire many, from Battlestar Galatica, to the butterfly effect. James Cameron brought the most apocalyptic future where humanity own creation destroy him from the errors that it have. From the time traveling twist to the only salvation that man have. Giving birth to action star by the name of Arnold Schwarzenegger, Following with 2 sequels and now a cancel tv series, a new tale, take the franchise to a direction what happen after Judgment Day, well Mc G directed, here's the red eye review:

In the year 2003 a death row inmate by the name of Marcus Wright(Marcus Worthington) donate he's body to sciences, by signing to Cyberdyne. The year is 2018, humanity was decimated, when the defense program call sky net was activated, Judgment day came when the bomb were drop around the world. Where a resistance soldier John Connor(Christian Bale), discover plans from sky net for a new terminator model, taking the info to he's superior, he is brief by a new weapon, a frequency that can shut down the machines. Meanwhile Marcus see the destruction of what once was Los Angeles, where he make contact with terminator, until he's is rescue by a young man name Kyle Resse(Anton Yechin), where he take him to see the resistance. Back on the resistance base Connor is puzzle by the recording of her mother, telling him about he's father and the importance, Marcus and Kyle stop by in a gas station, where they are attack by a couple Hunter killer, escaping Kyle get capture leaving Marcus behind, where he meet a fighter pilot of the resistance Blair Williams(Blair Bloodgood), that take him to her base, where a mine bomb change Marcus, revealing something that not even Connor could' n believe. When both meet face to face, is war. But the fate of Kyle Resse lies in their hands, so now they better work together, and discover the radical change of Marcus body ? The only fate that humanity have, is just one name John Connor.

Christian Bale acting was very soft tone spoken the same way he did in rescue dawn, But when he go commando that where the shouting begin. Marcus Worthington is already a star in the making, with high octane action, With a mean madmax actitud, the star is gonna be a action hero(here hoping he doesn't make the wrong choices like Ben). Bloodgood romance date was already to soon, a person in the audience yell "to soon". Which i concur on that. They should have waited in the film like coming from a dangerous mission. She was suppose to be the strong female that Linda Hamilton did, but i think they went short. Anton this guy is already making bank thank to another blockbuster(Star Trek) he went out all Shia Lebouf, in believing that there's hope, and the admiration he got from Connor, was somebody that you meet in line, to see this film, very fanatic. So they where any drama acting, but it was well play for a film, cause really went you watch a terminator film is not all about the story,

But the action, that cause it got the die hard formula, that every minute there's something waiting to go boom. From Bale shooting a turret to a T-300 head, to the Struck sequence, where we see t-biker flying straight to a Hunter Killer, To even the great bionic escape. Some body have been playing modern Warfare a lot, to get the war scenery done right, from the dust lifted of the explosion, to the camera shot of the escape that only Alfonso Cuaron did in Children of men. Yes i notice that this scene are already been done from the previous films. But they gave it their own interpretation, that work, thank to new twig they did. But the most memorable action scene is gonna go to the fighting with the t-800 where definitely they needed t2:grenade launcher, any film that pour lava than pressure to one this, is action seal of approve.

But let talk about the many terminator they show, with today films Wall-e to latest transformer, there's big T-600, that is loaded with a gauntlet gun, and a bomb launcher, and already swanager bod. Then there's the Hunter Killer ship, that it was cool by sticking with the original design, then there's the real tank one the T-100, that haven't change from the third terminator, that in today standard they already been made in real life. Then there's the transformer size Harvester, that works as the human swipe, that pick them, and drop them to the carrier. And let not forget the rolling skating bike that come from he's legs, that leave me to say to a certain robot director, that could have work for Soundwave.

And the many phrase are till there, that every actor say, is like every 20minute someone say something memorable, i mean is a formula that have work from the 2 sequel. But the tone will never be same from the original.

The movies work as a prequel, from telling it where it all begin.
It was a dream of my see the future of the terminator films, With the many model they introduce to the concentration camp, plus their base of operation, that leave ya, man that's while we love it. From the many shooting that not even a Disney film have in their library of films.
Make this a must see for this summer, of course it does cover some of the mytho of first film, but not of the 2nd. So there's more to tell.

Mc G really went all grim, that the others are know for. But he really have work on the acting i mean it wasnt camping or silly, but it felt more of a tv films. He know how to do action right, that thank got he didn't used wire, except from the car that is drop to one t-600. But it works, he really did justice to, from following the continuity to the many fan favorite Arnold phrases. He truly understood what the terminators films are all about.

If you wanna see another great summer flick go with this, a high budget that the movie have, it would make Paul McCartney not to get third wives. And the surprise that it have, that just have sheer, cause it wouldn't be Terminator without the original. Period.

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