viernes, 22 de mayo de 2009

huh i lie on the date, but hey who care, here's summer top 10 films.

Lazy Lady Top ten summer movies.

Yeah is another season, of everybody want to get out of hell hole
Call home, and spend it on what Hollywood is offering.
Now being Superhero free, this year seem promising, and original.
But yet, there's the toy movies that is expected
One that is already a craw pleaser, of giant robot
and another that is promising to be the bomb, cause it got mummy director written.
But hey there's other that have a white mask slasher, a robber being pursuit by talented man, and a film that will change everything about WW2 with a tarantino style.
So lets begin(before Tyra start comparing her buttchick, to johny deep face):

Already been call sheezy, there's no expectation, i mean sure is gonna have the action, the villains, i mean Siena Millar as the Baroness, that's tight. But overaw those accelerator suit, kind change the whole concept of what the movie is about, with now machines making splash, is time for the Bionic ones do it. Have anyone here hear of a great cult picture call Robocop.
Ok i got be fair here. But dont you think the film have already been dark a lot. I mean the franchise have been strong in the box office, and well the fan love anything that it have. But really dark, could they have gonna more urban like the third installment?
The only thing that the film have for me is the epic battle that every chapter have.
but enought with the dark.

What so the, that make this one to the list, oh yeah is in 3D, if you saw My bloody valentine, than you know what can you expec. What i always love of this film are the death, is already the traces of death for this generation, but in 3D. You better check with your doctor before seen it.

They should have release this one in fall, cause that where most Oscar film come out. But hey i guest they trying the same formula than road of petition. With two most talented actor of the time, there's no way it will bring the performance that many are waiting to see. So why is on the 7 spot, cause really is freaking summer the only thing that is important is watch thing go boom.

Michael Bay is pushing the budget for the sequel, and look promising, we the introduction, of new autobots and decepticons, there's no way this film is gonna be a hit, but of course i m till waiting for the Dinobots, but hey they got devastator, here hoping the bad guys win. Cause really the have win in some cartoon episodes.

Produce by Peter Jackson, and directed by the guy who was gonna made the Halo film.
The film brings something interesting that can only be a mixture of stosi meet E.T. I mean really what would alien ship been hovering around in a slumbs.
that can only mean something that only this guy knows.

Is already been a while that we haven't seen anything of the director of old school.
But now he comeback, with something tat many of us man, like to do, drink and forget anything that happen. The hangover come, that have a mystery twist, that is sure thing is gonna be the funniest movie of the season.

When i heard they was making a sequel, to the 2007 . Shock came to my head, but that all was save thank to the man that made it into what is now a psychological disturbing vision of a killer.Rob Zombie is back in the director chair, and follow what happen after the 1st.
the only thing i can say the Myers tradition will pass to another.

There's no stopping the success that he brought to he mockumentary of Borat that only Sasha Coen(not the pornostar) can make fun. Only this time he doing with style the gay way, prove my point that there are actually funny.

War world done right, what was most vicious than the Nazi, the soldiers that did the same cruelty to them. With the success of the kung fu run of Kill Bill Tarantino, now take he's attention to what possible be the most gore war film, that any of it kind.
Already been premier in this year Cannes, the film could be the underdog film
So let start torturing some SS, Eli Roth style.
Well those are my prediction, of what can be the best film of the summer, now if i can only have someone go and see the land of the lost, cause when you put Will Ferrell in a big budget film, the only result that you will get is, "he better off making the follow up of Anchorman".

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