viernes, 15 de mayo de 2009

hey im back, so is Winona Rider!

Im not Trekkie, or will never be. But the latest installment could star making some(except for me). J.J.Abrams revamping the franchise, there were concern about it, cause really i mean ye starting something from the beginning, by introducing the original crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise, but with new, younger, actors, that some we have never know about. So set your self for warp speed cause here's my review:
When the universe is treating by a new menace, captain by the last of the Romulan race, Nero(Eric Bana) is set out not only to destroy the Vulcan home world, but the Federation too, as a last resort of he's pain. Meanwhile on earth, we meet a trouble making farm boy with a I.Q. that only Einstein would be proud off, James Tiberius Kirk(Christ Pine) live he life just been a womanizer. But when he set he's goal clear to join up in Star fleet, to be captain in 3 year. Meanwhile on the planet Vulcan where a race of high intelligent beings that logic is their only way to solve their thing, Spock(Zachary Quinto) is the only one that is half human, thank to he's mother(Winona Rider), after finishing he's studies, he decide to join the star fleet academy. During the final exam, Kick is charge by cheating, making it the first time that he meet he's future first officer Spock. But when Nero make a attack, is up to every star fleet ship to go, and stop him. But when Kirk and Spock are both aboard to the U.S.S. Enterprise,they have to face their differences, from mutiny, to setting their feeling apart.
The ship that brought a new crew, to face their first battle, to become legends, that only in space can be told. This is the story of the U.S.S Enterprise, and he's captain, that let to a new voyage.
Best actor of the bunch have to go Dr.McCoy Karl Urban, with he's paranoia, to becoming the only friend of kirk, he nail it like needle in the butt, Anton Yelchin didn't look Russian, but boy he sounded one, with he's smarts, and the imposible language to understand it was the truly joy of the film, but set aside. Simon Peg was the joke of the film, from the time he set foot to the ship, to he's whining, ye know he right brit to play a scotsman. Eric Bana who knew he can scream so well, this is a very new act for him, bad guy got to be ion this man resume. But the man that deserve any award here is non other than the Sylar himself Zachary Quinto for playing the best character of all star trek series spock, with he's seriousness and the logic that he put to the character, you can bet that Nimoy know who to give he's prosthetics ear too. Ok there one act that really didn't convince me to much that go to Christ pine by playing the bad boy of Kirk that really, if you have see it, hes just acting a Richard dean. i mean he's young but there was something missing, from he's character, that really didn't work for me.
Now from the fourth to the first contact, star trek had have it share of time travel. But this one actually really did it, i mean to bring back the original Spock to the mix, made lot of Trekkie wonder why stupidity even exist. From the suspense have thank to Eric Bana, to Kick sleeping with a orion green chick, the film is half 90210, and half star trek. The introduction of every character 3was well play like they did on Brian singer 1st X-men movie. they didnt show their back story but it was the acting that made the movie go. From watching John cho first fight scene, to the aerial drop that really kick off the effect to high gear, the battle sequences are even way better than any of the previous one, hell even from the first prequel star wars(hate myself on that one). But Abram wanted to make this film new, not just another 80's follow up, by reinventing it, that only him could know.
Now the visual, are one the best on any sci-fi so far, from the scenery when they are building the Enterprise, to the mountain city of Vulcan. But really the bad guys ship well it remind me of something that is shape of a corn, but their black hole effect, especially when they destroy their first planet, only time ye can see it is in a discovery special. But the drill fight was one my fav, from john cho taking out he's sword to the falling scene, ye can top it off, but wait you can with the airdrop and lot thank to the alias series that Abrams is well know.
Now i can make a close to this until i say this, by putting Leonard Nimoy in the film, than Shatner, make ya think, why he didn't open he room didn't open on that hotel commercial .
Lets be honest he's already exploiting himself, with so many appearances, that you want him to go away. But Spock was always the fan favorite of the bunch even when he directed the fourth installment it was the better too. But man he's acting have change from many interpretation, on this one he went all Obi One Kenobi, but saying he's well know phrase, was something that the new generation will soon learn. So bottom line, Mr.Nimoy needed this, for reminding us why star trek was famous for.
So the film have everything that summer movie have. From hearing the phrase that the characters are know to, to going even deeper to the story that made Captain kirk, and he's first officer Spock become the most recognizable characters of all Sci-Fi history. It didn't made me into a Trekkie, but i enjoy it, and even today youth who are just discovering it. I don know what plan they have for the sequel, but a hope that shatner isn't in it.
Next stop Terminator Salvation.

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