jueves, 21 de mayo de 2009

Apology to anyone that was expecting my top pick films of summer 09.

I have been having money problem(like anybody).
That it haven't let me see most film, like the wolverine film.
But i guarantee you there will be one, cause what i heard, that is not good like the last spider man film.
But that wont stop me in writing it, so expect it to come by the end of this month publish.
As for the list wait for it by June 3, blogging about what might be thee films of the season, just dont expect to see a night in the museum or year one, cause really what so funny spending a night in a museum, that worst hearing a speech of rush limbo life. Or seen jack black as a caveman, ain't he already did that in Waterworld.
Anywho i hope you keeping reading my blog, and my reviews, cause really there's one Mexican that can pull it off. Cause really who here want to spend a day watching your dad sleep, or your Asian brother blaming the system of the country, he better off making out with he's turtle.
See ya then.

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