viernes, 4 de diciembre de 2009

I felt like reading a playgirl mag.

Well it took them a year to make sequel, change the director, and release it. is it me, or is this turning into the next pirate gimmick. Thank to the now twilight phenomenon, it have turn its teen girl, into fangirl. Leaving the boys, nothing to sheer(except there is some nudity). The film already amounted more of 200 million, and growing some more. But is this film got some story in it?
Plot: Well is another episode of our lovely vamp couple Bella(Kristen Stewart) and the always pale Edward(Ropert Pattinson). From going to school together, to celebrating Bella birthday. Throwing a surprise party in the Cullen residence, she spill some blood, that make one member is giving by the temptation. So Edward breakups, turning her into adrenaline junking, just to see him again(he's ghost i mean). That's when native hunk Jacob(Taylor Lautner) comes to the rescue. Now a new love come to the picture, making her feel better. exploring he's world, from friends, to he's custom mechanic. Jacob turn out to be a keeper. But when he suffer some kind of puberty, from he's shape of hes body, to hes new hairdo. it scare her, only to witness, that in fact he's a wolf(not your typical wolfman, or even teen wolf). but just your average 2 feet long wolf. Making her more relax, but still scare. But when a Cullen member come to visit her, the whining and the drama start. Seem Edward want to die by the hand of the most powerful vampire family the Italian volturi. So they reject him, so he start to make a scene, to die of course. So is up to Bella to stop him, but Wolfy boy want her to stay?
What should Bella do?
OK, lets get the acting first, like always Kristen performance play out as your average teen girl drama queen, her feeling is broken. Man Kristen stewart can do it better. Even in a TV series. Then there's till the Robert that play out even worst, cause he's heart is broken by the whole separation. And he wanna die. Shhh bato get some friend and talk about, in a more of redneck way. Then there's the Taylor act, there's nothing to say just abs abs and more abs. this guy should have, been training with the same stunt double of 300's to get them.
OK i got to confess first i did like the first, cause of the pact that the native had with the Cullen had. Turning it into a very woody version of underworld, but the drama,was till soap opera.
Now i felt this one was a rehash of the last, only from the Jacob perspective. And the he's world, from he's friend, to the intro of one girl that got claw. I mean they could have started something there, but hey is more of a crying of Edward and Bella. I mean the film is not even marked by Mtv. Making it a teen movie, but more of relationship that cant never be. Oh brother try to see true blood, they got something that twilight don't, a real story. The makers want this to be seen, to a more feminine demographic. I mean all i heard in the theater, crying from teen girl, all dreaming to be Ed side. But wait there's Jacob character, that's where thing turn to chip and dale moment. Making it look more soft porn. period. Now what i did like of the film, was the action, from the wolf hunting, to Edward fighting scene. I mean the fast nest that it had, it only remind me of the Popeye fight. with the same cloud appearing with fist flying around. But it was low, but i give them credit, for studying how a true wolf fight. thank you animal planet.
So i m not the right guy from seen it. But i bet ye can get someone better, that have some love for the film, and have more of a girl perspective. Cause really if you a guy and see it, then that mean that your girlfriend drag you.
So i m gonna make a short closing, and say this:
I really hated it.

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