sábado, 29 de agosto de 2009

Zombie teaches you the way how horror film is made.

By just knowing how good the first one was, there were no telling on how my legs were shaking. Sequel are any director worst nightmare, cause how can you make a follow up to it. Coppola did it great with the godfather, than Singer did wel with the second x-men movie, Now there's someone to add to the list. It all start with a white horse, that take us to the mind of not just the devil, but a monster, here the review, with no forgines:
1 year have pass from the first, Laury Strodehave (Scout Taylor Compton)change her appearance from a sweetheart to a hard core rocker, living with her only surviving friend Ani, and taking lot a therapy, it seem the her nightmares of that day she met her brother star to haunt her, while Dr. Loomis(Malcom Mcdowell) the only psychiatrist that help Michael, is enjoying he fame from he new book receiving publicity, but also getting hate from the ones that ewre lost. News broke that Michel Myer body vanish. Halloween is coming and are tall, white masking killer take a walk, to visit once again her sister, and killing anyone stand before him. Guide with the illusion and serenade voice of her mother(Sheri Zombie), while Laury dreams start change her way, that only secret will make her who truly she is. And Michael will show us why family come first, than anything.
The acting was very simple, and but typical for a horror movie. Malcom perfomances not the finest, but i think, he could have been more obsessive in this one rather enjoying of the fame.
And Sheri doesn't have much dialogue but her she really play it out as just a ghost. The new kid didn't show the fear of the young Michael from the first, but just like more of a extra.
Well acting aside the story was the true core for this picture, Zombie went more deeper to the Psyche of Myers and he's victims. I m gonna go all psichy here, but i bet with the trauma that Laury had, have turn into nightmares, tormenting her to all the way to her sanity, that she started to envision the way of a killer, that's my theory. As for the white horse is something new i have never heard in the psychology community. Ok then well it was great to show a very hobo michael, that i think Rob himself got into the killing. Only this time they were mend to disturb, not scare, but to disturb. From Knifing a nurse, to making one of the most suffering scene, that actually they don't show it, but you can only imagined. The drama, when on strong when Laury discover the secret, that only Loomis could ever wrote. The vision is something that i have to say let this man direct Alice in Wonderland.
The dream scene were something, that i cannot wait and see a fantasy film made by Rob. Were nicely stylize taking from Gothic to some surreal, making it feel more of a 30's classic horror film, from Nosferatu's to the classic phantom of the opera. By personal best shot is the slow motion to Ani death, by far the most torturing moment of the film, proving that this was made to make you suffer.
Rob out done himself, by understanding the mind of what a monster really is. The film went on to show some of the tormented scenery, that only you can remember it in the Freddy films.
The knowledge of what the film is really about, show that there are somethings that we don't know. For me the true meaning of horror, is just losing your mind. And Rob have done it.

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