viernes, 14 de agosto de 2009

This is how E.T. would react.

There have been a lot invasion story coming from comics, books, movies. But so little when it come to making contact, Peter Jackson bring as something so very unique that only him could elaborate, and with a help of a new director of course name Neil Blomkamp. Showing a alternative version of the immigration problem happening in Africa. The world is watching for this review:

In 1982 a spacecraft appear in Johannes, South Africa. In which man discover a new raise of alien, calling them the prawn. In which they were found them in horrible condition. Helping them by giving full and water, they were settle in a nice camp call District 9. But the citizen of Johannes weren't all please cause of the trouble they were starting, from the looting to the rioting. But the district was also changing to a slump, were the crime rule supreme, making harder to the visitor to live,from giving weapon in exchange for food. Now the world appointed the second weapon manufacture to relocate the Prawn to their new home, the MNU Multi-Nation United promote to one of their employ of the alien affair to Wikus De Merwe in charge of the operation. Heading to the District the world watch est on how the prawn live, how they battle for food, knowing they are being evicted. From burning their breeding houses, to making some arrest those who hide weapons, but when 2 in particular start mixing some chemicals, the MNU is at the door waiting to see what inside. Mr. De Merwe discover a can that will turn him into the most valuable fugitive for he's company. What secrets lie in district, and what effect is gonna have to Mr De Merwe life?

Sharlto Copley play a sympathetic, and kind like that boss who just wanna be your best friend(like Steve Correll in the office) that you really feel bad for what is happening. Is a great protagonist for this kind of film, especially for one that is been hunting down by he's own company. The relationship that he have with he's father in-law, make why he is always nervous.

The concept that film follow about the immigration is something good. There been many films that follow from Babylon to Borderland, but only focusing on the Mexican immigration. Just thinking that segregation was left behing in the 60's. But not in Africa, from the way of life, from scavenging in the thrash, to the wave of crime that happens, and of course the thing they do to survive. Neil come from south Africa it was good seen the perspective on how thing work. Stylising it with a documentary start the film feel so real, like is really happening, then later turn it into a thriller a la fugitive. The scenery that the film have is almost of Brazil film city of god, from the thrash and the debris that the prawn live, make ya wonder that how we treat foreigners? i kind like the twist when the use Wikus to test the alien weapons, only showing again that major corporation are always in for the money. Thank you Michael Moore.

Man the action that the film have it was made for the Halo project that went flat. from the variety of weapon they show, from ray gun that turn ya into gug, to a pulsar gun that will give will smith little gun from Man in Black a run for the money. The massacre could only come from the vision of Peter Jackson, comparing it to he's first film, you can only say that's Bad taste. period. Ok i havent forgot of the mecha, i mean watching it in action, make me to get in one too.this is truly the excitement of the film, shooting a lot of mercenaries to some turning them into water. it can only be compare to the robocop 2 that really is cain, the bad guy of Robocop 2.

Alien contact are follow like in films Alien nation, ID4 to third kind. But they bring something new and original, the secret that the film have since it premier of the trailer in may. Peculiar on the subject of what the film was all about, already hail from the critic there's no surprise on why there's few films take the risk showing something that only the audiences would only understand.

Jackson prove again that there's is originality in films specially in the sci-fi genre. With the same statics on making a documentary and turning it into something that only a child could dream up. Seriously is time to discover the new talent that are coming to Hollywood, salute to Neil for he's first film.

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