sábado, 13 de marzo de 2010

Road to 100 continue: pencilpusher

Definition:When somebody pushes the pencil, from drawing to moving it, giving it motion.
In other words animation. February was month for animation(direct to dvd i mean). That two are based on video games, there other from comics, and the last a nickelodeon. Now knowing that some of the major website of enetertainment already did their bit from reviewing it. From the special features, to the quality of format, sound, voice acting, and of course the story. that's where i focus the most. Why? cause that's all i can do. Hey i mexican, that love cartoon, and understand the english. Yes i speak it too. So either yer ñoño(fanboy) or a gamer, or some guy that got no time tobuy a cup of corn(i love that).

Heres the 5 DVD animation that cameout:

5.-The penguins dvd premier
The penguins of madagascar have been hit on nick, that have been bringing kids from ages 5-10. Enjoying their many silly adventures. Theres a reason they made their own dvd adventure in which non other dbag actor extraordiner Neil Patrick Harris makes he's voice acting, to the evil dolphin Dr blowhole, that really is that fun, with a launght that would make Tv favorite nanny(not the british ones) franne dresher marry again. The story and the characters are fun, and unenexpected. Cause really they have giant lobster with a giant iron claw. And of course it couldn't be funnier without Julie. Is good old fashion lobster beating, that red lobster aint getting their order. Just cause i love the character, plus neil Patrick Harris give the best villain laught of all time, deserve to be in 5.
4.-Dante Inferno
Consider by gamers a rip off of god of war, the animated epic is quite good. With manny dismembement, and nudetity ye can handle. The film was for promotion only, like it did with the dead space . But here 6 anime studio did it. that really make is a must see for anybody that's love animation. the only flaw that it have is the continuaty, with so many variation of Dante, it make ya think that he suffering from bulimia. My favorite style go to heresy, very classical, with some very vibrant color.the story is the same of the game but diferent, and short. But till entertaint, if ye ever wonder that theres a disturbing anime film, then let this one show ya the 9 layer of hell.
3.- Halo Legends
first anounce in last year San Diego Comic Con. And premier only on Xbox 360.
The series of short make this franchise more bigger and interesting. telling the story on how it started in origin, and going with the water color paint come alive in the duel, and adding the hype og action with prototype, and the cell shadedcg cartoon The packadges. My fav goes to casio, from bringing a space mocap action adventure. The dvd promote the impact of what the halo universe is all about, and telling it with diferent style of anime. That 's worth seen it, and explore the world.
2.-Justice League:Crisis of two earth.
I have been a fan of the Dc dvd movie. But when i saw Wonder woman, the maturity of style, i was sold. So base on a story written by Grant Morrison. A parallel Lex Luthor come to the justice league for their help. On taking down their evil counter part call as the Crime Syndicate.
The action is good, and copy, like batman fighting in he robot suit, something already seen in Camerons Aliens, But the best go to the Batman and owl man fight. And tree cheer to the voice acting work that james wood and Gina Terra did. on bringing the evil sound to their character. But the bronkly act of ultraman, is something to hear on jersey shore, if ya not pushing anyone. Anywho the animation is perfect, thank to the talent of the korean cartoon company. and of course going with the final crisis version of the martian. I betting that the under the Red Hood, is gonna be the best of the collection.

1.-Planet Hulk

I really dont know what excited me, theappearances on some of marvel cosmic heros, or the well adapted story. Marvel have been battling hard on making one their film worthy to watch, from Iron Man to Next Avenger. But they hit it with Hulk vs. Now they are doing it with planet, base on the maxi tale of comic writer Greg Land. Hulk is exile from earth and land on alien planet sakar(i think that what is call) where he is capture as a slave, and take part as a gladiator for the pure entertaintment of the Red King. I know it sound more like that other ridley scott film. But if ya ñoño like me.This one will wet ya, on the sight of seen, lame space character of the cosmic marvel universe. making their cartoon debut. But the hardcore of the story go, on how bad ass the hulk really is. from the part that he grab the red king from he next, to the fighting sequences with Beta Ray Bill. This film is a must to any collector. That prove that marvel knows where to go now. Bring the Avenger Disamble next.

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