jueves, 4 de marzo de 2010

hey the road to 100 star here:

The last time i heard of a story of Alice in wonderland, was in the matrix, using it as a metaphor, it gave some brilliant to the way a story could be told. Lewis Carroll brought something that only a drunk, and stonier could ever make. Alice in wonderland is a fairy tale like any other, with a wondrous environment, to very strange, and unique cast of character. Everybody knew that Tim Burton, would make it into a film. Well thank to Disney, he did, but is it a wonder, or it deserve to get it head cut off:
Alice(Mia Wasikowska) is young and bright little lady, that grown up they tell her what todo, but went she go to her secret engagement party, she run off chasing the white rabbit. By going to the rabbit whole, she fall to a world, where flower can talk, where there's a hare(Paul Whitehouse) and a hatter(Johny Deep) are drinking tee, a Cheshire Cat(Stephen Fry) play with you, and is rule by two queens, the white one(Anne Hathaway) and a red one(Helena Bonham Carter). Now she must decide to free this kingdom, by facing something that she doesn't wanna do.
Bright and colorful it come to the world of wonderland.
I think i m gonna give Mia a break, cause really her acting wasn't that bad, it was the same doubtful girl story, but change till end. Johny Deep been dress like combination of a Ronald McDonald and Duck tales very own Scrooge, doing the same with he's performances with a mix of willy wonka, and putting some jack sparrow. I was expecting something looney, cause in the original story he is mad, and he laughs at anything, but here there's some drama, that really dont go so well. I mean he is call the mad hatter for a reason. But the one that had the best act go to the big head of a queen of Helena, playing a imitation, off Oliver stone directing Barbara Streisand. With her squick line, and her famous line. She really brought the fun, Anne acting was adorable, and innocent, like somebody that dedicated her whole life playing candyland. Rickman voice work came well, playing a very Yoda style.
Now i havent read the original story, but they mix it with the Alice and Wonderland, with looking through looking glass, that feel more as a sequel. That's where it fail, i mean they try to make it more as adventure story, but didn't come close. when it came to the sword i was expecting something like sword and the stone. Thank god they didn't. Most of the character were to fast to notice, and something felt like rehash from another Disney film(Narnia anybody). Mixing both story felt wrong, especially when it came not introducing any off the characters, it have gonna better if they have extended the story, with her falling, and knowing wonderland then later been chased by the red queen, cause by then, she make her stand against the jabberwocky monster or thing. Complaining this, made me realize they stood with the true language that the Lewis Carroll made, hell i was surprise when Deep spoke of the infamous poem of the Jabberwocky. Of course i like the last battle sequence, when it take place in a chess battle arena, that come faithful to the sequel. But they had me with the romance that lice was having with the hatter.
The visual are the best thing the film have. From the obvious tween brother, to the fur that cheshire cat had, to even the wonder of both castle. That rarely were inspire by the same magic castle of the amusement park. The design they did to the jabberwocky was faithful to the book. Even to the red queen guards, in the form of cards. The 3D format did work for the film from where Alice is falling to the scale of the fight. Tim Burton could have least used some draft, from the team, that made the classic video game, McGee's Alice.
Tim Burton is always know how to bring something strange and dark, but for Alice, he gave the brighter. Which ain't bad, but fall a little. The story felt short in most of the time, and the character need more introduction. But the visual are the true piece, for making it work.
There have been many version of this story, from the famous Disney cartoon, to the barrage of TV version, and comic too. And the best till go to McGee version. Tim Burton made some great, but he last one weren't that surprising, for me producing 9 was a great choice for him, But Alice he needed to bring something that would made anybody blush. So is best that i thank, to comics, cause i m staying with zenescope version, from return, to beyond, and escape.
Hey read this, cause there left 9 reviews, for the land mark of one hundred.
so to celebrate, i gonna star reviewing the whole animated movies from February. That's right from planet hulk, to halo legend, hell let even put the penguins.
And on 17 check my comparing some mexican torta delight today bisexual star.
is gonna be fun, guarante.
so remember Im joe Asylo, and yes im mexican. that can.

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