domingo, 21 de marzo de 2010

Road to 100: the best vampfilm so far.

thank to the twilight phenomenon, everything thing that having a vampire, mean is gonna make some cash. Thank to the fangirl craze(dreaming with a chance on doing it with Pattison). Anyway, mostly all of it, have made to tv series, the only thing that is a movie, with vamp. Is January premier Daybreakers, beside going with the whining, and gay fantasy, turning it into something futuristic and action park. That actually work? Here the review:
in the future, humanity suffer a epidemic, in which it was turn into vampires. Giving birth to a whole new race of immortality, free of every disease, and only living with the feed of blood. Now 9 year pass, and their reserve are running out, which desperation for blood, start to cause panic in the street. Turning them from regular vamp, to more freakish wing one. Now is up to blood researcher Edward Dalton(Ethan Hawke) to find a replacement, and stop this craze. So by now is hunting what is left of humanity, and get the blood necessary. Until the good doctor happen to meet a group of human, lead by Audrey(Claudia Karvan). That take him to meet the one person that can cure the vamp hunger, so humanity can survive can survive. Calling him the Elvis(Willem Defoe) . So will Ed find a solution to the vampire hunger? or will
Charles Bromley(Sam Neil) have other plans for the company that harvest the blood?
Well i must say the role of Ethan Hawke was good, than average nothing new to offer. But with that innocent look that he always have since , explorers. He will always be the good guy. Defoe gives he best John Wayne impersonation(well that how i see it) tat really doesn't fit. I respect this actor, and all he's film credentials, but here just give him the guitar and he be ready. Sam Neil the same, great actor, always doing he's devilish take, that always works. Only this time he's playing a vampire businessman. That's surely fit.
The movie star well, with the girl burning. Giving the side effect of what is been immortality is about? That later focus on the city, that really dont say. But the focus of the story of the blood reserve running out was something, new. The whole environment, from the subway, do the low lights of every house, to how they harvest the human. All was great, especially the harvesting, that really disturb me. The action is something good that directors Spierig know to do. From the first chance sequences when they are sliding to the rail of the bridge to the ambush of night, but their drama is fine too. I mean the scene that Neil want her daughter to be turn. There's another thing that confuse me, ain't she suppose to be ashes? Well anyway the suspend is rare, cause their ain't that much Cg to the whole film. Except from the burning scene.
The brothers Spierig made to the scene with their zombie film Undead. Now their take to the vampire, work, i mean the acting is average, but the whole plot that is all about is what sold it. The Aussie knew, only to make car film, and something. But doing something else really fit. I m starting to look forward what else can this brother do. Cause their wave of making films, could star a new style of grind house film.

lunes, 15 de marzo de 2010

road to 100: feel like scorsese doing a remake of the prisoner.

For common director, doing horror or suspense, are always fit, by their top peers. Hitchcock, or even Argento. Now Scorsese bring us, he way on doing it. And coming from the ride, is the golden boy, Leonardo Dicaprio. Does he do it well, or is another Bringing out the dead:

Two U.S Marshall Teddy Daniels(Leonarnado Dicaprio), and Chuck Aule(Mark Ruffalo), are sent to the Mental Institute Facility, in Shutter Island. Where the worst of criminal of insane are put. Investigating the disappearance one of the patient that go by the name of Rachel(Emily Blunt). With the hospitality of the Dr. Cawley(Ben Kingleys) showing everything they need. Tedd try to discover the many secrets that the island have. But is he gonna find it or will he become one of the patient.

Iknow i till dont have my visa yet, so is late for me to review, but hey they premier last friday, here. So the acting of Dicabrio, is something that i dont believe. I mean the tone of voice that he used. Really doesn't fit to him. I mean he trying to do he's best Bogart Impersonation. That he better off doing something modern, like in the departed. Kingley really ain't bad, as gentle, and common sense. The man can pull it off as a shrink. I mean give this guy a pipe, and he go all Sigmund fraud on ya. Mark Ruffalo still making a name, with he's new york acting, the guy make ya believe that he's the real deal. And finally Jackie Earle, can till make the best creepy appearances since the creep keeper.

I can say much of the story, so i doing a spoiler moment, it feel as the sense of Ficher The game, to Deeps Rear Window. I mean the period that it take place, real felt that thriller, that were made in the 1950's. But to they have to borrow every cliched of suspense do it. I mean the Mechanism is one prime example, that really give ya the clues on the happening. But here it feel the same. The lighthouse, where they do their Manchurian experiment, or the many places they have their patient, that part gotta come from the Video Game Batman:Arkham Asylum. And the patients they all dont look that scary, except from the staple guy, that confuse me. From Deniro, that exact is Elias Koteas. They took fright moment, but dont work. And the flashback does work in most moment, from telling the backgroung of Teddy, from he's time in war, to he's allusionation over he's wife, play by Michelle Williams. And there were times that the camera, felt tire ding in times, like in the fire in the cave, the flame not nice way on shooting it. Is something that is made in 3D.

Scorsese made something , that's is already made, but gave it he's own twist. The environment is gonna get ya. But most of the story, well is done. I respect this man, but really he best doing something else, then doing something that gonna surprise ya by the end.

I recommend ye best till stay with Alice for this one.

sábado, 13 de marzo de 2010

Road to 100 continue: pencilpusher

Definition:When somebody pushes the pencil, from drawing to moving it, giving it motion.
In other words animation. February was month for animation(direct to dvd i mean). That two are based on video games, there other from comics, and the last a nickelodeon. Now knowing that some of the major website of enetertainment already did their bit from reviewing it. From the special features, to the quality of format, sound, voice acting, and of course the story. that's where i focus the most. Why? cause that's all i can do. Hey i mexican, that love cartoon, and understand the english. Yes i speak it too. So either yer ñoño(fanboy) or a gamer, or some guy that got no time tobuy a cup of corn(i love that).

Heres the 5 DVD animation that cameout:

5.-The penguins dvd premier
The penguins of madagascar have been hit on nick, that have been bringing kids from ages 5-10. Enjoying their many silly adventures. Theres a reason they made their own dvd adventure in which non other dbag actor extraordiner Neil Patrick Harris makes he's voice acting, to the evil dolphin Dr blowhole, that really is that fun, with a launght that would make Tv favorite nanny(not the british ones) franne dresher marry again. The story and the characters are fun, and unenexpected. Cause really they have giant lobster with a giant iron claw. And of course it couldn't be funnier without Julie. Is good old fashion lobster beating, that red lobster aint getting their order. Just cause i love the character, plus neil Patrick Harris give the best villain laught of all time, deserve to be in 5.
4.-Dante Inferno
Consider by gamers a rip off of god of war, the animated epic is quite good. With manny dismembement, and nudetity ye can handle. The film was for promotion only, like it did with the dead space . But here 6 anime studio did it. that really make is a must see for anybody that's love animation. the only flaw that it have is the continuaty, with so many variation of Dante, it make ya think that he suffering from bulimia. My favorite style go to heresy, very classical, with some very vibrant color.the story is the same of the game but diferent, and short. But till entertaint, if ye ever wonder that theres a disturbing anime film, then let this one show ya the 9 layer of hell.
3.- Halo Legends
first anounce in last year San Diego Comic Con. And premier only on Xbox 360.
The series of short make this franchise more bigger and interesting. telling the story on how it started in origin, and going with the water color paint come alive in the duel, and adding the hype og action with prototype, and the cell shadedcg cartoon The packadges. My fav goes to casio, from bringing a space mocap action adventure. The dvd promote the impact of what the halo universe is all about, and telling it with diferent style of anime. That 's worth seen it, and explore the world.
2.-Justice League:Crisis of two earth.
I have been a fan of the Dc dvd movie. But when i saw Wonder woman, the maturity of style, i was sold. So base on a story written by Grant Morrison. A parallel Lex Luthor come to the justice league for their help. On taking down their evil counter part call as the Crime Syndicate.
The action is good, and copy, like batman fighting in he robot suit, something already seen in Camerons Aliens, But the best go to the Batman and owl man fight. And tree cheer to the voice acting work that james wood and Gina Terra did. on bringing the evil sound to their character. But the bronkly act of ultraman, is something to hear on jersey shore, if ya not pushing anyone. Anywho the animation is perfect, thank to the talent of the korean cartoon company. and of course going with the final crisis version of the martian. I betting that the under the Red Hood, is gonna be the best of the collection.

1.-Planet Hulk

I really dont know what excited me, theappearances on some of marvel cosmic heros, or the well adapted story. Marvel have been battling hard on making one their film worthy to watch, from Iron Man to Next Avenger. But they hit it with Hulk vs. Now they are doing it with planet, base on the maxi tale of comic writer Greg Land. Hulk is exile from earth and land on alien planet sakar(i think that what is call) where he is capture as a slave, and take part as a gladiator for the pure entertaintment of the Red King. I know it sound more like that other ridley scott film. But if ya ñoño like me.This one will wet ya, on the sight of seen, lame space character of the cosmic marvel universe. making their cartoon debut. But the hardcore of the story go, on how bad ass the hulk really is. from the part that he grab the red king from he next, to the fighting sequences with Beta Ray Bill. This film is a must to any collector. That prove that marvel knows where to go now. Bring the Avenger Disamble next.

jueves, 4 de marzo de 2010

hey the road to 100 star here:

The last time i heard of a story of Alice in wonderland, was in the matrix, using it as a metaphor, it gave some brilliant to the way a story could be told. Lewis Carroll brought something that only a drunk, and stonier could ever make. Alice in wonderland is a fairy tale like any other, with a wondrous environment, to very strange, and unique cast of character. Everybody knew that Tim Burton, would make it into a film. Well thank to Disney, he did, but is it a wonder, or it deserve to get it head cut off:
Alice(Mia Wasikowska) is young and bright little lady, that grown up they tell her what todo, but went she go to her secret engagement party, she run off chasing the white rabbit. By going to the rabbit whole, she fall to a world, where flower can talk, where there's a hare(Paul Whitehouse) and a hatter(Johny Deep) are drinking tee, a Cheshire Cat(Stephen Fry) play with you, and is rule by two queens, the white one(Anne Hathaway) and a red one(Helena Bonham Carter). Now she must decide to free this kingdom, by facing something that she doesn't wanna do.
Bright and colorful it come to the world of wonderland.
I think i m gonna give Mia a break, cause really her acting wasn't that bad, it was the same doubtful girl story, but change till end. Johny Deep been dress like combination of a Ronald McDonald and Duck tales very own Scrooge, doing the same with he's performances with a mix of willy wonka, and putting some jack sparrow. I was expecting something looney, cause in the original story he is mad, and he laughs at anything, but here there's some drama, that really dont go so well. I mean he is call the mad hatter for a reason. But the one that had the best act go to the big head of a queen of Helena, playing a imitation, off Oliver stone directing Barbara Streisand. With her squick line, and her famous line. She really brought the fun, Anne acting was adorable, and innocent, like somebody that dedicated her whole life playing candyland. Rickman voice work came well, playing a very Yoda style.
Now i havent read the original story, but they mix it with the Alice and Wonderland, with looking through looking glass, that feel more as a sequel. That's where it fail, i mean they try to make it more as adventure story, but didn't come close. when it came to the sword i was expecting something like sword and the stone. Thank god they didn't. Most of the character were to fast to notice, and something felt like rehash from another Disney film(Narnia anybody). Mixing both story felt wrong, especially when it came not introducing any off the characters, it have gonna better if they have extended the story, with her falling, and knowing wonderland then later been chased by the red queen, cause by then, she make her stand against the jabberwocky monster or thing. Complaining this, made me realize they stood with the true language that the Lewis Carroll made, hell i was surprise when Deep spoke of the infamous poem of the Jabberwocky. Of course i like the last battle sequence, when it take place in a chess battle arena, that come faithful to the sequel. But they had me with the romance that lice was having with the hatter.
The visual are the best thing the film have. From the obvious tween brother, to the fur that cheshire cat had, to even the wonder of both castle. That rarely were inspire by the same magic castle of the amusement park. The design they did to the jabberwocky was faithful to the book. Even to the red queen guards, in the form of cards. The 3D format did work for the film from where Alice is falling to the scale of the fight. Tim Burton could have least used some draft, from the team, that made the classic video game, McGee's Alice.
Tim Burton is always know how to bring something strange and dark, but for Alice, he gave the brighter. Which ain't bad, but fall a little. The story felt short in most of the time, and the character need more introduction. But the visual are the true piece, for making it work.
There have been many version of this story, from the famous Disney cartoon, to the barrage of TV version, and comic too. And the best till go to McGee version. Tim Burton made some great, but he last one weren't that surprising, for me producing 9 was a great choice for him, But Alice he needed to bring something that would made anybody blush. So is best that i thank, to comics, cause i m staying with zenescope version, from return, to beyond, and escape.
Hey read this, cause there left 9 reviews, for the land mark of one hundred.
so to celebrate, i gonna star reviewing the whole animated movies from February. That's right from planet hulk, to halo legend, hell let even put the penguins.
And on 17 check my comparing some mexican torta delight today bisexual star.
is gonna be fun, guarante.
so remember Im joe Asylo, and yes im mexican. that can.