jueves, 16 de julio de 2009

Till darker, but this time there's a surprise

What i always love of the franchise, that in every movie it star with the memorial music, that it have a lullaby feel to it. Well with 5 movies done, the boy with the lightning scar on he forehead, come with another adventure, with new mischief thank to Tom and Hermione. But only this time the suspense is much more higher than he's last, and the surprise that serious change everything. But knowing that is started out as a kid movie, now is something beyond it, i pick my wand to give you my Review:

Another year star in Hogwart school of wizardry, where Harry Potter(Daniel Radcliffe) and he's friends Hermione(Emma Watson) and Ron(Rupert Grint) that await for them another adventure only this time, Harry will discover new spell, and potion when he find a book, that was belong to the half blood prince, that hold the most powerful, and darker magic. But when a new teacher Prof. Horace Slughorn(Jim Broadbent) replace Prof. Severus(Alan Rickman) in portion class, Prof. Dumbledore set Harry to investigate him, cause he may hold the key to stop and destroy the dark master. While Ron became the new star of the quittitch, he begin to have some girl problems, that only Hermione cannot confes her true feeling. As for Harry arch nemesis, Draco(Tom Felton) begin to sneak to the hogwart attic where he practice a special spell to a closet, that hold the downfall of everything. Will Harry find out the secret that Dumbledore is looking from horace? Who is the Half blood prince? and Will Hermione finally express her feeling to Ron?

Well if you read my Top ten summer movies you know how feel for the series, but hey first the acting, it was great they put one of my favorite character that is Luna, the pale, and strange girl, till can see thing only this time wearing some 3d spect, she very well be the Tim Burton tone that the movie needed. Daniel, Emma, and Rupert till reprise the roll well, till the detectives that always get the case close. But got say it was Rupert that steal the show this time. With he's girl problem it set the comedy to be the true entertainment. But it was the silly and the always forgetting Prof Horace play by Jim Broadbent, felt the same sense humour have watching a play.
So here hoping will get to see more of him in the other films. Now Michael Gambon role for Dumbledore took the center stage on the adventure, as becoming the true mentor of Harry, something that was building up since the first, which most of the drama came from him, and well done i say. And finally far the best i gotta handed to Tom Felton that also take the spotlight as he character really have grow into something that most teens aren't proud, the suffering the doubt and the secret made him as the next baddie that the Potter universe was waiting for.

Now the Story most of the comedy went to Ron Problem with girl, from the time he make he's try out as the new quittich new defend, and that crazy admire that really bring the snokom(i dont know what that mean). The new teacher like i mention before is the most fun since Kenneth Branagh of the chamber of secret. Now the drama was something that truly lead to something from the moment you watch the flashback that we meet a very young Tom Riddle, to where he discover a spell that leave him immortalize. The chemistry between Harry and Dumbledore, was something that can only be remember since star wars episode 6, of Luke have the same mentoring of Obi Wan.

Now the effect where like always astonishing in the aspect of the brige effect, when the dark smoke fly by, only to brake, but the best have to go to Dumblebore fire tornado, in the water caves, remind me of the ten commandment, when Moises rise the water. As for the quittich scene, somebody have been watching lot Soccer. And they say American don't like that sport. Knowing they got a all female team that won a cup.

So i felt there was more action missing, knowing that the screenplay is adapted by the 6th book of this series, i think it was more of a detective story. But hey since from the first to the 2nd it always had that feel, but since the prisoner of azkaban that all change, making it more of adventure line. But got say it was the secrets, that sold me. And the surprise that await on the end really left me breathless. The acting is good with the same teen drama that most follow.

Well with the final chapter split into two, there's more that we can see. The serious is already been replace by another supernatural something that involve Vampire, but doesn't mean it have lost it vibe. From today fan they will certainly enjoy this one. As for me is till not the best, cause really is to dark till.

Next stop yo joe.

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