martes, 14 de julio de 2009

What i said in 2006, stay corrected thank to this film.

Well the anticipation for the next Sacha film is here, so to give you a update to who he is. Borat came to America, and to our heart when he's film premier in america, and laughing anything about it. It cause a sensation, that every body started to quote him. Yes the mustache foreign, with a mustache that is so rugger than any carpet of sea world cannot be compare. Make another movie only this time on a Austrian gay Fashionista, based on he character on the Ali G show days, He explore the secrets on what makes a star? so here's my veview, i mean review:

Bruno is everywhere when it comes to fashion week, Bruno knows what in and out, Bruno knows the latest fashion around the world, for been the host of he own TV show, until he ruin a fashion walk in Milan, thank to what he was wearing (velcro). He set out to Hollywood to become a star. From giving a interview to American Idol Paul Abdul, while sitting on a Mexican, to becoming a extra on show, while smoking, to even choosing he's own charity, that involve uniting the Jewish and the palestine, so he decide to make a detour to Africa, where coming back to U.S.A., brings a baby in a box, giving the star potential that will put him on a talk show in Texas. But when he's baby is taken away, thing gets more chain. From going to a anti gay protest, to been handcuff in a buss. Broken he find a way to even make himself famous, to get a wife. Seeking a counsel that guide him to be a hetero, from fighting anybody does it gay, to becoming a soldier, to even joining a swinger club, that get him whip a lot, by voluptuous blond(i just add that). 8month past, that now he's straight, and hosting a MMA fighting event, but when someone from the audience call him the f word, he challenge him, discovering that is he's old assistant?
Will Bruno confront him? Or will he stay with the straight mustache?

Im a Borat fan, so i will say the bad thing later. Right now lets talk about what the fun apart, that will make a Mexican(like me) exercise more the back. Sacha hit another with Bruno, i got give him credit, from acting as true everyday gay or someone take the gay thing way to serious. From making her show to a group of audience, where even he private part say he's name. To making he's first interview with Paula, that really challenge Family Guy creator Seth Macfarlane on the Mexican jokes, hell he even got Sir Elton John sitting on one. To trying get kidnap by some Arabians terrorist, that really not even Bush couldn't do. To what is the infamous adoption since, Woody Allen marry one. Sacha went with all on this ones. It have never been done on how the road to popularity could be so fun. Even with the many dildos that it have, yes is explicit, yes is outrageous, and yes is fun till the end.

The downside that i fell on this one it was so repeated to he's previous one, if you make the same similarity it pretty much follow the same plot, only more gayier. the provocative that it have is different, but the way is told, well is the same. The assistant character is the same thing, that Borat had with he's producer, but of course it didn't involve plaything. And the outrageousness that he have in the swinger club is the same on the dinner scene of Borat. But on this one it have skin. Bruno may or could be the it of this year, but follow the same remedy.

So what ever character Sacha could come up, it will make money in the theater. But will provoke, and laugh all at the same time. But trying to repeat the same phenomenon, is something that already gives the joke away. But till give him credit to what he brought on this one, a lot gay entertainment, and the homophobia that America have, well a least the south.

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