jueves, 16 de julio de 2009

Till darker, but this time there's a surprise

What i always love of the franchise, that in every movie it star with the memorial music, that it have a lullaby feel to it. Well with 5 movies done, the boy with the lightning scar on he forehead, come with another adventure, with new mischief thank to Tom and Hermione. But only this time the suspense is much more higher than he's last, and the surprise that serious change everything. But knowing that is started out as a kid movie, now is something beyond it, i pick my wand to give you my Review:

Another year star in Hogwart school of wizardry, where Harry Potter(Daniel Radcliffe) and he's friends Hermione(Emma Watson) and Ron(Rupert Grint) that await for them another adventure only this time, Harry will discover new spell, and potion when he find a book, that was belong to the half blood prince, that hold the most powerful, and darker magic. But when a new teacher Prof. Horace Slughorn(Jim Broadbent) replace Prof. Severus(Alan Rickman) in portion class, Prof. Dumbledore set Harry to investigate him, cause he may hold the key to stop and destroy the dark master. While Ron became the new star of the quittitch, he begin to have some girl problems, that only Hermione cannot confes her true feeling. As for Harry arch nemesis, Draco(Tom Felton) begin to sneak to the hogwart attic where he practice a special spell to a closet, that hold the downfall of everything. Will Harry find out the secret that Dumbledore is looking from horace? Who is the Half blood prince? and Will Hermione finally express her feeling to Ron?

Well if you read my Top ten summer movies you know how feel for the series, but hey first the acting, it was great they put one of my favorite character that is Luna, the pale, and strange girl, till can see thing only this time wearing some 3d spect, she very well be the Tim Burton tone that the movie needed. Daniel, Emma, and Rupert till reprise the roll well, till the detectives that always get the case close. But got say it was Rupert that steal the show this time. With he's girl problem it set the comedy to be the true entertainment. But it was the silly and the always forgetting Prof Horace play by Jim Broadbent, felt the same sense humour have watching a play.
So here hoping will get to see more of him in the other films. Now Michael Gambon role for Dumbledore took the center stage on the adventure, as becoming the true mentor of Harry, something that was building up since the first, which most of the drama came from him, and well done i say. And finally far the best i gotta handed to Tom Felton that also take the spotlight as he character really have grow into something that most teens aren't proud, the suffering the doubt and the secret made him as the next baddie that the Potter universe was waiting for.

Now the Story most of the comedy went to Ron Problem with girl, from the time he make he's try out as the new quittich new defend, and that crazy admire that really bring the snokom(i dont know what that mean). The new teacher like i mention before is the most fun since Kenneth Branagh of the chamber of secret. Now the drama was something that truly lead to something from the moment you watch the flashback that we meet a very young Tom Riddle, to where he discover a spell that leave him immortalize. The chemistry between Harry and Dumbledore, was something that can only be remember since star wars episode 6, of Luke have the same mentoring of Obi Wan.

Now the effect where like always astonishing in the aspect of the brige effect, when the dark smoke fly by, only to brake, but the best have to go to Dumblebore fire tornado, in the water caves, remind me of the ten commandment, when Moises rise the water. As for the quittich scene, somebody have been watching lot Soccer. And they say American don't like that sport. Knowing they got a all female team that won a cup.

So i felt there was more action missing, knowing that the screenplay is adapted by the 6th book of this series, i think it was more of a detective story. But hey since from the first to the 2nd it always had that feel, but since the prisoner of azkaban that all change, making it more of adventure line. But got say it was the secrets, that sold me. And the surprise that await on the end really left me breathless. The acting is good with the same teen drama that most follow.

Well with the final chapter split into two, there's more that we can see. The serious is already been replace by another supernatural something that involve Vampire, but doesn't mean it have lost it vibe. From today fan they will certainly enjoy this one. As for me is till not the best, cause really is to dark till.

Next stop yo joe.

martes, 14 de julio de 2009

What i said in 2006, stay corrected thank to this film.

Well the anticipation for the next Sacha film is here, so to give you a update to who he is. Borat came to America, and to our heart when he's film premier in america, and laughing anything about it. It cause a sensation, that every body started to quote him. Yes the mustache foreign, with a mustache that is so rugger than any carpet of sea world cannot be compare. Make another movie only this time on a Austrian gay Fashionista, based on he character on the Ali G show days, He explore the secrets on what makes a star? so here's my veview, i mean review:

Bruno is everywhere when it comes to fashion week, Bruno knows what in and out, Bruno knows the latest fashion around the world, for been the host of he own TV show, until he ruin a fashion walk in Milan, thank to what he was wearing (velcro). He set out to Hollywood to become a star. From giving a interview to American Idol Paul Abdul, while sitting on a Mexican, to becoming a extra on show, while smoking, to even choosing he's own charity, that involve uniting the Jewish and the palestine, so he decide to make a detour to Africa, where coming back to U.S.A., brings a baby in a box, giving the star potential that will put him on a talk show in Texas. But when he's baby is taken away, thing gets more chain. From going to a anti gay protest, to been handcuff in a buss. Broken he find a way to even make himself famous, to get a wife. Seeking a counsel that guide him to be a hetero, from fighting anybody does it gay, to becoming a soldier, to even joining a swinger club, that get him whip a lot, by voluptuous blond(i just add that). 8month past, that now he's straight, and hosting a MMA fighting event, but when someone from the audience call him the f word, he challenge him, discovering that is he's old assistant?
Will Bruno confront him? Or will he stay with the straight mustache?

Im a Borat fan, so i will say the bad thing later. Right now lets talk about what the fun apart, that will make a Mexican(like me) exercise more the back. Sacha hit another with Bruno, i got give him credit, from acting as true everyday gay or someone take the gay thing way to serious. From making her show to a group of audience, where even he private part say he's name. To making he's first interview with Paula, that really challenge Family Guy creator Seth Macfarlane on the Mexican jokes, hell he even got Sir Elton John sitting on one. To trying get kidnap by some Arabians terrorist, that really not even Bush couldn't do. To what is the infamous adoption since, Woody Allen marry one. Sacha went with all on this ones. It have never been done on how the road to popularity could be so fun. Even with the many dildos that it have, yes is explicit, yes is outrageous, and yes is fun till the end.

The downside that i fell on this one it was so repeated to he's previous one, if you make the same similarity it pretty much follow the same plot, only more gayier. the provocative that it have is different, but the way is told, well is the same. The assistant character is the same thing, that Borat had with he's producer, but of course it didn't involve plaything. And the outrageousness that he have in the swinger club is the same on the dinner scene of Borat. But on this one it have skin. Bruno may or could be the it of this year, but follow the same remedy.

So what ever character Sacha could come up, it will make money in the theater. But will provoke, and laugh all at the same time. But trying to repeat the same phenomenon, is something that already gives the joke away. But till give him credit to what he brought on this one, a lot gay entertainment, and the homophobia that America have, well a least the south.

viernes, 10 de julio de 2009

there was blood, but missing a lot

There were a lot flaw when it came to the original anime movie that is based on. Now the same producer who brought back the kung fu for cinema, take a crack to the anime and turn it into actual movie. Manny have try in turn something that came from the land of the samurai, and the hentai(Dont ask). That only a independent studio could do it. But with the budget, actors, and story did they made justice, even having one of the finest fight choreographer of Asia, to more? Here the review:

IN 1970 America was in war, in air base somewhere in china, a new transfer student is starting he's first day. Saya(Gianna Yun) is a very quiet and serious person that she always carry a tube on her back, when she see a fellow student been harass by two class mate in the school gym, she just hit the tube with a kick, catching a sword that came out, and star decapitating. Last of her raice Saya work for a secret organization call the council, dedicated to find and kill the blood sucker that have the name of demons. But now when news get, that the mother of demons come for a feast, Is time for some good old sweet payback. But with a general daughter Alice(Allison Miller)caught in the battle, when agent council go all rogue, is time for sentiment to be fill will Saya get her vengeance or saving her only friend change everything?

Benn a Asian film pretty much of the acting fell something coming out of a Chevy Chase movie. New star Gianna felt like the kind of act that bruce Lee did on the enter of the dragon, with lots of mispelling, and with saliva too. Allison part, fell something out of the CW drama series. The cleaners were the true stereotype of the film. Cause really have manny movie had have that, from the matrix to the Jack Ryan movies, just leaving everything spotless. they should cast Mr.Clean.

Now the fight sequences where nice chorea graph, from the street fight, that really bring some of the classic kung fu fighting, to even the Kato fight, With some old school ninjas. But the moves felt kind of repeated, however using little wire work, the street fight felt the most exciting, cause the Saya can use a street car, with a lot kicks. There was more deception when it came to some sword fighting, that really you have to wait until the end of the film, when came to the mother of all the demons. That felt very similar to the last battle of Dark City, with the shouting and the pushing. And you don't need to be psyche for it. The fight are the selling point for the movie. Only i was expecting more to the final confrontation.

The story does some resemblances to the Anime, from the Gym fight to the first demon slashing, but i felt confuse when it came to the curiosity of the general over the Council men. The movie try to represent another teen thriller, with the acting that it have, and since when Saya care for somebody. Cause i recon on the anime she was more bad ass then caring, like Diesel on Riddick. Knowing that the movie is much longer than of the anime. The story leave lots loop hole, from going rogue with the council to suddenly seen who her mom is.

And finally the cg of the movie, is not a Hollywood thing, but it felt it was more stop motion a la Ray Harryhausen. I mean it was the lighting that need the twit for . But the desing need work cause really they look like a dry up bald NBA superstar.

So my final verdict is there no justice neither the comic or even the anime, the fight sequences are good, but some recycle. The acting made it more of a teen comedy, than the story that follow it. The only thing that was missing was the connection that Saya had with christ, cause every time she hear that name, anger come out of her. Guest was something that the censor, or even the director wouldn't touch. Even the Asian got no business on that.

miércoles, 1 de julio de 2009

johny Deep is John Dillinger, what Humphrey Bogart was in Casablanca

You know is strange there's a movie right, showing the same thing of today. What to a mean by that. The 30's the great depression, the prohibition years, were news are turning into tabloids, and were projected in theater's. But is not about that, famous action director, Michael Man come back for he's next shoot out film starring Johny Deep, and Christian Bale, playing the game of cat and mouse in public enemies, reviving the 30's in their own fashion:

John Dillinger(Johny Deep) is mouth talking, charismatic,lady's man, bank robber, knows many ways to escape prison. Living the fast lane pursuing everything that he ever wanted. With a gang at he side, he was unstoppable on every height he did. Turning him into the number one gangster of America. That all change When bureaucrat J. Edgar Hoover try to create the first bureau of investigation, declaring war against crime, were a certain marshal is giving the job to bringing justice to Dillinger. Agent Melvin Purvis( Christian Bale) following he's popular reputation, he form a team to follow any lead or clue where he could be. But when the untrained eye get the best of them the heat fall to agent Purvis, is time to call to the profession. Dillinger enjoy he life to the fullest, with a dame at he side Billie Frechette(Marion Cotillard), nothing could go wrong? Except friends dying every where, and some they don't know ya. Time change, crime change, becoming Public Enemy.

Between Johny and Christian going southie on for this role, ain't that bad bad. Following the same step of the 30's movies, with the wise acting to the same grim style that it have. first Deep charisma, fun enjoying persona,is the true entertainment. The man can very well be your date for the prom, with a similar act that he did on what eating Gilbert grape, but with a upgrade. Oscar winner Marion give the chemistry that really make the innocence of the film.Christian bale seriousness southie act, give the true suspense of the film, so does he team, with the determination that drove him to do he's job, but till is nothing out of the ordinary on this one.

The camera work is pretty much the same style of the old black n white news footage's that they show in the movie. I t have always been the signature tone that's Man have done on he's previous film, from collateral to Miami Vice. But the music, that's where he deserve much of the respect for, that really give you that vibe of the 1930's.

For the story it focus most on how Dillinger made he's escape, from talking the guard clothes, to fooling everyone that he had a gun(knowing that it was made of wood). To taking him to stardom, from just being capture. But also what made this film interesting the creation of the FBI. That Hoover struggle so much to form, trying to convince congress to do. But more importantly the method they used to interrogate, and find clues. From making deal with the crooks, to even pushing the limit of the mob. The action sequences are the best but ore when it came to the ambush of night,felt the same shoot out of the heat but retro looking, but what really was exaggerating was how much lead that baby face needed to go down, it felt like the guy on the arrow in the neck of kingdom of heaven. the scenery that most of the gun fight seem forgiving from the perspective of the crooks.

So if you know the way Michael Man make films, then there's nothing new to it, except for the acting. Cause most of the action sequences are really long and sometime, not so believable. But hey he have done great crime films, from heat to this one, cause the 1930's scenario was something that he really focus on especially for a film like this.