viernes, 28 de noviembre de 2008

What a wasted political film.

Im huge Oliver stone fan, he's films have define a new style in making film. covering the real time of war, to the intrigue of politicas.The way he focus most on the character than the story, he's visual are invented. Controversial is he's name in most of he's films. And he untouchable doing it. But when it came to the event of the world trade center, the man that define just made, now he taking he's direction to the white house, with he's latest politic bio, of the most recent (and late) President Bush, heres my speech of a review:
The world of W. focus, on the life and struggle of a man who once was average frat boy, drinking, to becoming to the man that we know today as the new president. Covering from he's time in Yale to the many summer jobs to the candidacy to become congress of Texas. A man who couldn't stand up, or even have he's pappys praises. He fought against he's drinking, stand up to be the true Texas man that he is to be governor, and to see the shine of god to be the president.
Leader and mistake, this is what meant to be president, when you become the most powerful man of the world, and the error that comes. This is the life of George W. Bush.
Josh Brolin kick it off the wall since Anthony Hopkins play Nixon. For Oliver was a wise choice on picking him, worth for a Oscar nomination. Dreyfus's performances of Rumsfeld was perfect, that you only needed a SNL comedian to pull it off. James Cromwell give he's best straight edge act, that really convince you on what the father was expecting from he's son. I wish they could have giving more time to Elizabeth Bank, she hardly convince me been Texan.
Now the way they focus on he's life was not what i expected, i mean i wish they could show more. From Yale to the time that he became campaign manager to he's father. I mean what really love of the film was their relationship that Bush had with he's father, always looking for he's approve on how to live he's life. The best moment of the film have to go when it come on the planning in Iraq (Dreyfus's is king in that.). But what bother on the whole film was the many mistake that he did. and just that. I mean there more than that. like the bad publicity he had cause of her daughters drinking. And see how did he got along with the brother.
Now the direction of Oliver were good, specially when came to the dream sequences that bush have in the baseball fields. And the reunion where good. Look what makes this film great, is the life of today political career. Oliver did focus much on the life of Bush, but more on the relationship with he's dad. I admire him the way he do the research for every of he's film. But there was something more missing with he's life. Cause is pretty strange to see a 35 year old man, hanging with 20 somethings.
The film is great not perfect, this doesn't mark the return of the master that we know of Oliver Stone, cause hes best political Bio go to Nixon. Here he just making something that we already saw, but more of a Texan way. cause the true star of this film go to Brolin, that he very well be the De Niro of our time.

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