viernes, 3 de octubre de 2008

prey with me, that a man name Bill Maher made this documentary.

Do you know how hard it was, to look for a theater, that is showing this film. I mean seriously in San Diego you need so much a donkey, then renting it in Tijuana. I mean lighten up, when it come to a documentary that touch the theme of religion. So where i saw it in hillcrest, in what happen to be the cleanest, nicest, and helpful community (a gay one) Is like san fracisco, but more colorful.
Plus on the cinema that i saw it there werent any protester, i mean where are they, cause really there were lot senior making line for this film, and till no sing saying"this is blasphemy" or "Maher don't know nothing of Jesus", shhe, i mean where they preying for god to unleash he's anger to anyone who saw it, or they prefer see another rerun of touch by a angel. Here my might of review:

Comedian and politic comentary Bill Maher and Borat director Larry Charles take on the theme of religion, exploring every kind, and combining it with theme like evolution, homosexual, suicide bomber, and comparing it with others myth. Take a view, of what is religion and the effect that it have to people, to think twise when it come exploiting it. With some jak alone the way, from a Rabbi that say smuck tyo a jewish inventor, to a interview to a true Puerto Riqueño second coming Jesus(cu cu). There's no other documentary that prove that you need a IQ test to be senator. Except for this one.

Well the film is something to aplause at. There been many film have touch this subject, from Jesus camp, to the one. But this is just a laugh a way from heaven. The point of the doc show some fact that when it come to religion believe in it, any kind, to everything. Showing fact, that really some of it is just plagiary to another. But really what also shows that there's peoples making money of it.

My favorite subject they touch was on the Muslim, cause they are very sensitive to their believe, knowing well there's some that take it to another level. O r when it come to the homosexuality, on how there saying that god hate them. Knowing that in the bible it said nothing about it. Bill Maher took a bold move of making it. And exposing the many thing that is wrong with some religion.

The documentary doesn't make fun on anything, but make ya think that all time that someone keep believing in something, make him lost on what life he haves. Knowing the true problems that the world of today have(the crisis economic, global warming, war). And believing that when the second coming of Jesus come, the world will end. That's why is always important that there's film like this that we make ya think on how to believe. And on what way do to it.

I also like to point out the best moment of the film. When he's interviewing a Minister of pot, when suddenly he shout"your hair on fire, making him jump of the the sofa, See kids the effect of marijuana, it will make ya believe in anything. That could very well work as a slogan. Love the insert of the film from a cartoon Adam jerkin a wood, to the very scene of Scarface. There some joy to it.

So to conclude, i have family that are religious, to friend who are anti semi. That for me i respect their belief, cause they don't talk about it everyday or convincing me to be one with them.Cause fate on oneself,make us do anything without believing in a so call"Lord" that would do it for us, that what the film is all about. Bill is a reasonable guy that show exposing a belief is dangerous, than been furious to someone. So take a chance to see it, and clear your mind on what truly believe, change .

And to add something in my work i took a picture that open my mind, that was the face of Jesus:

Or just something i wanted to show to my loving second mother, i think she vomit when she saw it.

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