sábado, 25 de octubre de 2008

My eyes are till bleeding, for a good movie.

Every years, on the month of October, there's, anew chapter, of the famous life lesson, torture guy, that we know, call Jigsaw. That gave a new wave of horror, call Torture porn, that only one movie have be made, that is Hostel. Now the fifth installment, start a new beginning with a whole new cast, and more secret to the man that we call Jigsaw. But is this one better than the last, or is just the gore that sell it, cut your wrist for this one:

Following in the event of saw 3 and 4 Detective, have finally solve and end Jigsaw reign of torture, receiving a promotion with higher standard, detective Hoffman(Costas Mandylor), until he find a envelope that said"Iknow who you re" putting the story in motion. FBI agen Strahm(Scot Patterson) is hot on the detective tail, following lead, that will take him, back to the first killing of the nefarious killer of Jigsaw. Meanwhile 5 new victim are awaken to find chain up, and to start listening to the rules then play. With just their mistrust will doom them, taking them to every kind of death possible, from decapitation, to exploding, to electrocution, and finally give blood to survive and win the game. Will Agent Strahm find the connection between Det. Hoffman and jigsaw? Will the new players, solve every test they are giving and what bind them, to be choosing to be the next victim. Is time to play a game. Where rehabilitation is the name of the game.

O k there something i got to say about this sequel, first i felt like i seen it, and two for me the gore is what make it watchable. The story of the movie, is a mixture of saw 2 and saw4. Why?

if you know on two, the story is 8 people are put together in abandon building full of traps, that take me to the 5 new victim, that is pretty much the same, the only different that it have, in this trap they have to solve it as a team, which got a good twist to it. Comparing it to 4, the whole cat and mouse chase that the Strahm have on Hoffman, gave the same sense to the whole operation-that Rig have in following the clues to find hes partners, every point he go, a new trap await him, with a life hanging in the balance. The movie didn't have much acting in it, accept to Tobe Bell performance that it just minor, but it does cover most of the loophole that the series had. By giving flashback to the time that jigsaw was alive, revealing that that hes wasn't alone doing the traps. It does fail, telling who's the new jigsaw, but the test make the movie more enjoyable.

That take me to that, most of the trap are new, and well craft, that it can be compare to the previous ones. From the pulling of the neck collars, to breaking the jars to find the keys of the door, to connecting 5 electrical wire to a tub, to open a 5 electrical lock door, and finally donating blood with a saw. My favorite go the electrical tub course there something that you wont find in any of the series, yes there's lot of blood, and squirming, that most of this riming ya of old school Argento films. From opera to some suspiria. We all know it, is the hardcore gore that sell it.

For first time director David Hackl it wasn't it bad, in the trap and the suspense, most of the transition that the film work very well. My only concern go to making a right story, i m just bother, that we already knew who was the next jigsaw, since 4. But either that the film accomplish entertainment with the horror that have. I'm huge gore hound(yes i know i have a addiction), but the film completes. The story ain't interesting, not even the suspense cant save it for making it a great saw film. My favorites are always gonna be the first 3, cause the 4th really was confusing, to understand the guideline, and the continuity. But overall is till make ya squirm.

So is Halloween, and the saw saga, is continuing hard, but either be the reason to see it, if ya a fun or just see it cause there's nothing on cable(beside the high rates of the bill) the movie is ok.

So don't focus to much on the story but more on the suspense that it got to offer. Cause really is the torture that make it the one and only. Now if we only knew what was inside of the black box, that jigsaw left to he's wife? i bet ya it was this:


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