sábado, 26 de enero de 2008

he shoots , splatter and, and. . . more splatter

Old franchise make a comeback, first came the famous underdog boxer, the Italian stallion, Rocky Balboa, then last year it went, to the biggest whiner of all action hero's, in the wrong time
in the wrong place, John McClane, now is stallone(again) with made 3 films, made a total series, until he went all afghanist on it, But can this army vet, till can shoot, and slice some throat, here's the review:

Rambo retire(again) is living he life's, as a snake wrangler, and fisherman, plus a blacksmith, until a group of missionary ask for he' boat ,to take them to the civil war torn country of Burma, rejecting it. With just a little women touch it convince him, leaving them, in a village, where they give dental, medical, and spreading god word. When they re invaded, by corrupt general, and he's soldier, which burn houses, shooting everything insight, and throwing babies(yeah that bad) taking the volunteer as prisoners. So a pastor seek help to Rambo to lead a group of mercenaries, to go in and rescue them, we Rambo do it , or will he do it? or he keep retiring?

What i like was the introduction of the country where the film take place, showing montage, of the brutal killing, the unfair justice, the casualty, and the pile pile of bodies. More than 60years, this war have been going on. which take me the next thing, this movie is brutal, not gritty like sin city i mean brutal like cannibal holocaust. I mean some of the other movies, were violent, but this far is the most bloodier of them all.

Now the acting weren't that good, just typical stereotype, missioners act, "we came to make a different" and the mercenary attitude, they didn't make bad act from their part, especially the bald British wanna be stone cold attitude. Now less talk the real star of the film, it seem Stallone was in shape when filming, didn't convince me with this acting, we know that Rambo is a torture soul, haunted by he's memory in war, in this one he accept what he is, and that have already been seen in the third one, he's not the victim but more of what you're. I mean in psychological term when john McClain kill is to survive, but on this one is more of a job.

Another thing the action wasn't that good, i mean the one that take this film is the war of the country, not on the stealth of the hero. the scene when they enter the enemy base, and start rescue, was kind of slow, i mean one killing of the star, that didn't go right.

less not forget that the epic climax, the war, where Rambo spend he's time behind a machine gun, shooting to the soldier, and reloading, then shooting some more. ain't a fight like the other film. Something already seen in a B action movie. And when the rebel come to the rescue, it remind me of the third(again).

Seen this film, i was the only younger among most senior that stay until the credit came. It seem there some people that till love this character, especially the one's that grow watching he's film. But the bottom the line is the same element they use like the others, but this time Stallone didn't make a mistake like(i won't repeat).

The movie is not the best of the series, but that leave it mark, on how civil war is. But to be fair i would have like they have more time , and more interest plot. Than the vision they give on how
to make a modern war film, for this century.So if ya till love watching a Italian commando with a twisted lips. Just don't go seen it, like it was your first.

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