sábado, 26 de enero de 2008

he shoots , splatter and, and. . . more splatter

Old franchise make a comeback, first came the famous underdog boxer, the Italian stallion, Rocky Balboa, then last year it went, to the biggest whiner of all action hero's, in the wrong time
in the wrong place, John McClane, now is stallone(again) with made 3 films, made a total series, until he went all afghanist on it, But can this army vet, till can shoot, and slice some throat, here's the review:

Rambo retire(again) is living he life's, as a snake wrangler, and fisherman, plus a blacksmith, until a group of missionary ask for he' boat ,to take them to the civil war torn country of Burma, rejecting it. With just a little women touch it convince him, leaving them, in a village, where they give dental, medical, and spreading god word. When they re invaded, by corrupt general, and he's soldier, which burn houses, shooting everything insight, and throwing babies(yeah that bad) taking the volunteer as prisoners. So a pastor seek help to Rambo to lead a group of mercenaries, to go in and rescue them, we Rambo do it , or will he do it? or he keep retiring?

What i like was the introduction of the country where the film take place, showing montage, of the brutal killing, the unfair justice, the casualty, and the pile pile of bodies. More than 60years, this war have been going on. which take me the next thing, this movie is brutal, not gritty like sin city i mean brutal like cannibal holocaust. I mean some of the other movies, were violent, but this far is the most bloodier of them all.

Now the acting weren't that good, just typical stereotype, missioners act, "we came to make a different" and the mercenary attitude, they didn't make bad act from their part, especially the bald British wanna be stone cold attitude. Now less talk the real star of the film, it seem Stallone was in shape when filming, didn't convince me with this acting, we know that Rambo is a torture soul, haunted by he's memory in war, in this one he accept what he is, and that have already been seen in the third one, he's not the victim but more of what you're. I mean in psychological term when john McClain kill is to survive, but on this one is more of a job.

Another thing the action wasn't that good, i mean the one that take this film is the war of the country, not on the stealth of the hero. the scene when they enter the enemy base, and start rescue, was kind of slow, i mean one killing of the star, that didn't go right.

less not forget that the epic climax, the war, where Rambo spend he's time behind a machine gun, shooting to the soldier, and reloading, then shooting some more. ain't a fight like the other film. Something already seen in a B action movie. And when the rebel come to the rescue, it remind me of the third(again).

Seen this film, i was the only younger among most senior that stay until the credit came. It seem there some people that till love this character, especially the one's that grow watching he's film. But the bottom the line is the same element they use like the others, but this time Stallone didn't make a mistake like(i won't repeat).

The movie is not the best of the series, but that leave it mark, on how civil war is. But to be fair i would have like they have more time , and more interest plot. Than the vision they give on how
to make a modern war film, for this century.So if ya till love watching a Italian commando with a twisted lips. Just don't go seen it, like it was your first.

viernes, 18 de enero de 2008

Well is better than new version of godzilla.

it started first with a trailer, then becomes, greatest secret of 07. Produce by J.J.Abrams, bringing the same mystery, from hes tv show "lost", and turning it, into viral marketing, that involve, a fictitious company, environmental group, a soft drink, and a pair that send video mail. Mix you get
Cloverfield, and here my review:

It start first with a recording in bed, tape by a couple Rob(Michael Stalh David) and Beth(Odette Yustman) on april where they go on a trip to coney islan. To spend the whole day in the rides. Then is another story where Lili(Jessica Lucas) and rob brother Jason(Mike Vogel) are going to the store buying thing for a party, in preparation the camara is giving to Hud(Tj Miller) to tape everybody in the party to tell their farewell to Rob, now he was promoted vice president for company, when the maid of honor is surprise, the party is on. But when friend comes, that wheres the drama happen, starting the gossip that Rob sleep with Beth knowing they were friends. And when she leave, the heartbreaking comes, the earthquake shake. so now the evacuation start, but when Rob get a call from Beth, is time to be hero. so join by hes friend they go through war zone streets, where every soldier, tank, and missile are being launch to something, to the infested subway tunnels, where the rats are running from something, to a very collapse tower, where the chances to get to the objective is zero. All record it, on the day Manhattan was invade it by something.

So first i wanna say that i don't know any of this actors or actress, but knowing they come from tv, they give the scare factor to this experiences that convinces you, that this is happening for real. Using the same formula they did on the Blair witch project, J.J. Abrams bring something that never been seen in a monster movie, in the Godzilla, is always on a scientist, or a general perspective that we see the movie on, but on this one just camcorder hold by everyday pedestrian.

I like the take on the taping, on how they go through the ruin of the city, while there's high tower monster destroying it. Like the filming on the subway, using the night vision, discovering the little crawler, to the surprise they get from the helicopter ride. It show most the destruction of the city, but what really took my eyes, seen the beast up and close.
The movie work very well, if ye been fol ow to the viral campaigns, there's little they give you, to what happening. there's no mystery in the movie, course i be wrong. One scene we see a elder Asian man talking something to the camera, than there's the question well i already spoil ya one scene, so i won't tell ya what the monster, but can tell ya one thing the crawlers they look like the starship troopers bugs. end

The suspense of the film, is the real surprise, is not always they make a film like this, but to J.J.Abrams, is something that could call a true American monster, from the score of credit, it show their making their own godzilla film. and by the camera was their ticket to making it. they succeeded.

sábado, 5 de enero de 2008

Waiting for mom's cooking for anticipated movies of 08

Yeah this 're the movies that my mom want a see, and there's nothing that can stop her, except if is bad. Bad hey, most of 90% audiences, see most awful movies, while 10% like the good movie, if not(then tell me, why in the hell Ghost Rider made it in to #1, tell me that).
So here ye go, the best of what this year can offer us.

There's no way they can make a horror movie, and make it as musical. Directed by the same director of the saw film. The premise of the film sound interest to get me the latest liver transplant, With gore involve, and some of the weird characters, that not even Wes Craven
can make. this is something that can only be describe unique.

Those word Joint Engineering sound familiar for ya, if ye bought the 2disc of superbad or seen a scene on You tube, then you know what to expect. This is the cheech and chong of the new century. Another Apatow film, expect lots of profanity, and some new ways to smoke.

Will smith take on the whole superhero genre. Can only mean one thing:
Wheres the work? with supporting cast of jason bateman, and Charlize Theron.
This is something that could be better than my Super Ex girlfriend. Hey i need twist to the superhero films.

This time we ain't seen Angeline Jolie naked, But she know how to use a gun. Base on the Mark Millar graphic novel, there's height and low for it. why? under the direction of Timur Bekmambetov fame by making the most watch Russian film, change the whole style of the story, cause in the comic, is super villains, not assassins. So lets wait and see.

This could be a surprised, from marvel to jon Favreu, there's no telling where this movie could go, by casting Robert Downy as Tony Stark, this could make it as the best comic movie, with a great campy twist. Right now is one to keep an eye for. Cause going with real origin of the hero, there so much to see and laugh at same time.

5.Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian:
Disney till want some of the LOTR dow that it made, when it came out. So their solution this, fantasy is what we seen lately on the theater. And Caspian could be better than is predecessor, the action seem epic as always, but the visual will always capture our eyes, so you got time to read the book, or wait and see the movie. Cause either way is been directed by a guy that did a cg movies.

Yes now this is something that i want see in my fantasy movie, a little Spanish twist, with the thanks of Guillermo Del Toro, back at the director chair and bringing Ron Perlman to reprise he role. Hellboy2 could be something that we really gonna joy, and see some new members to the BPRD, the fan can wait no more than some bare knuckles fighting for the red boy.

Mysterious surround this movie, with the marketing they have been giving, theres till ? .
All we know involve a big monster, than there isn't a real start, but that doesn't mean that is gonna be bad. Cause really we don't know, so after you go to see it try to unravel the clues from the website 11-18-08.com to the weird Slusho commercial that can be seen in Youtube.(Boy i better be pay for doing that).

This is the 300 of the year, with effect cars, and some top notch action, brought by the Wachowtski Bro. There's no telling what can we see, already is the effect is gonna make the movie good, but there's a world that we only seen in the cartoon, And now is the first full anime real movie(take that you guys that were gonna make the evangelion film).

Yesa is a tide, why let see both are huge franchises, both have their moment on screen and only one have trailer. We all know that what gonna make the dark knight good is one name the joker. that many of us have doubt when casting health ledger as the villain, said"why" now with trailer out, we see the real reason can he pull it off forget that, can Nolan make him real? cause already we know that he made him as the crazy bastard that he is, in the comics. Indiana Jones part, is the return of Raider cast reunited for this one time, and there's no telling what craze adventure Indy is ready to have, by going against the Russian, and introducing what quite possible could be he son, there's some surprises that can be found better than the temple of Doom. Hey if ye never grew up watching this movies, then go and see the breast of Lara Croft. You perv.

viernes, 4 de enero de 2008

Mom's belts for worst movie of 07

There's no denial, bad movies happen, from the pirates, to a web slinger, and to a biker ghost, that gave us a bad imitation of Elvis. They will continue existing, and we always be there to supported. So for this category it go to one movie that my mom have hype to seen it. But fell flat for everything they market it. So for further do here's the movie that my mom want to hit with a belt:

This wasnt a good year for Eli Roth, For 06 was something that define what they call the torture porn genre. Giving grotesque scene, high riding suspense's, and ending that couldn't live up with any-other movie. Now with the sequel, it didn't accomplish anything, sure it show how this organization work, how it chose it victim, show original torture scenes, and this time the stars were female. But where's the excitement of the first one, where the jokes, and why directed as another episode of the Gilmore Girl. I have to endure seen the Bug , to just see the 5min. preview scene, which i had hope for. Now on the day of the release that was on my birthday, Just getting out of the theater, i didn't want say it wasn't good, but average, but honesty is the best policy. That why it deserve to be hit with a belt.

martes, 1 de enero de 2008


Last year was great and skanky year in films. With manny treequel(don't know if that word even exist) made in most anticipated film list, but only one made this list. So folk ignore the entertainment weekly, ebert & ropert, or any other list, for the best, cause they're the movies chosen, by the person who saw Gone by the wind 80 times, when to every major movie event(well sort off), and won an Oscar for best female in a lead role in Chocolat(the mexican version of course) my Mommy.

There's no denial they were more judd apastow film, then shaving bald Britney Spear dolls. But this spoof to the Biofilm, With the first time we see John C. Reilly in the lead role. He ain't making any indy film(until he get another oscar nom) With great imitation, coming from Jack White, Jack Black, David Munniz and great jokes n lines it didn't neat ed to make money in theater, cause with the song that was sang. Everybody know who Dewey Cox is. Especially with he's own brand of sausages.

Yes the only Cg film on the list, with cutthroat, amazing barbarian action, and very nude Angelina Jolie. The movie remaster the next generation of epic movies, Beowulf master everything on how to be just a story of 300words. To be Screenwritten by "i know write a really great story, and writing comic my whole life"Neil Gaiman. And with the great the great 3d glasses made it to see it more,
les be honest it was to see more of a nude Jolie."hey this is closest we can get"

isolation is all about on this one. Will Smith adapted the cult classic, an made it into blockbuster. With no sound, the movie truly show the greatest fear of one. However i don't a agreed, the use of the cg infected. The movie accomplish, on bringing something (like future comic movies), and turning solitary into experiences. Well les just said they should 've least stay with the original ending.

Simon Pegg n Nick Frost, made this the best of all homages films of the year(beside Grindhouse).
Giving their take on cop film, and adding it comedy. The team cannot seem to stop, with great chemistry, great plot point, and nice act of Simmon and Nick. Make ya forget on other police film(Swat, Miami Vice, etc, etc)

Been bash by the critic, Rob Zombie brought something new to the Franchise. The true magic go to: the making of a psychopath. There's no question to it, Rob did he homework. by just turning the "i m chasing you with a knife"routine, to a very dark and clever disturb movie. This by far is the best Horror movie of last year.(and well the only one too)

Well way, it was the only of the Threequel that i like, been an action movie. There's no denial that Matt Damon made it look good. Following in the footstep of great movie chases, this one show it with something call: "Originality", so there's no better to end it , with Bourne living in the end of the film. Of course that wont last, theres a 4th on our way. God, Hollywood suck.

Till said again this was a great year for Apatow and crew. With reinventing the whole teen genre film, and adding some new material(better than the pies dvd movies) theirs no time for a period stains. With the great ride from the officers, and the greatest last name in America(or name) Mclovin, made mom(i cant write that part, she my mom for godsake). Now with the pineapple express on the way. I don't know to expect, but involve something like joint engineering.

Yes, give way to the 80s films. Who knew that transformer film was gonna make it into film, and be directed by Michael Bay (weird). Made one of the money maker of the year. With sweet action and heavy bashing robot fight. Made us believe, how were the 80's child's, yes now with the sequel on the way(if there end for the screenwriter strike). They could add the dinobot now.
Yeah, les put some retard robot to the mix.

Been release on Easter, it rott in the box office, that doesn't stop me by putting it on this list.
Robert and Quentin, Brought something that was forgetting on the cinema, full grown exploit film. Robert 's Planet Terror, made us remember the good old splatter, with great slapstick fun, and a very melting balls from Quentin part. Made this even more with some rambo action that just need it a leg for machine gun, yeah you go rosie. And their to many dialogue from the other Quentin's Death Proof made a nice touch to introducing us to a very dark Kurt Russell that could only have the name of Stuntman Mike , and getting kill by a chick leg, The best driving stunts that movie could have. But what really was worth the 3 hour were the fake trailers From the Man call Machete to the Eli Roth Thanksgiving. Made it more fun. Too bad they wont continue it. But that doesn't stop to been the #2. Give bringing more guys.

Yes my mommy love those abs, ok then les stop been gay. Get serious, why this one , well easy from the hardcore acting to the visual. There's no denial 300 made it look so vintage to be consider an epic movie, with great battle sequences and making the gore an art. The movie accomplish everything. Show the true potential to what robert brought us from Sin City to this.
Frank Miller said it better, this how you make a comic movie. Now with Snyder working on the adaptation of Watchmen. There's no point where this new genre is heading. But you want more on why cause there's a particular lady that say the best line of the year "only spartan woman give birth to real men" that should make any mom proud.

Stay tuned on the 5th of this month when count the10 anticipated film of 08 and the one that my mom wasted her 10dllrs for. till then.