lunes, 24 de diciembre de 2007

this is he second legend title movie he make.

There been movies, that have the same premise:
The last Mahican, the last star fighter, the last samurai, so on, so on. But there two that show last human of the world. Vince The last man on earth, Charles Omega man(of course there some survivors). And Now Will Smith is getting into the genre with the one that started it all. Here the review:
A new breakthrough in medicine have been made, finally a treatment that can cure cancer. Of course every medicine have some side effects.
So an outbreak exploded starting first in new york, then the world, spreading the disease by air, and touch. Some die, while other change, in a weird mutation, becoming carnivores. 3 Years after we meet Robert(Will Smith) Scientist especially in the field of disease, he is accompany by he German shepherd Sam. He spent most he day like any other, Wake up, eat breakfast, exercise, get out send a recording and wait by the pear of NY, then hunt, pick some corn and dvds on the way, get home bar the window and doors, and hear the infected scream all night long. While on he free time he start searching in he basement lab a cure that can reverse the infected to normal state. By when he meet another survivor that save him. Going by the name of Anna(Alice Bragga) and her son, in which they hear the message he aired on the radio, Telling him that god toll her about a sanctuary that is north, where there other like them survivors and Immune to the virus. But he don't believe it, cause they 're in ground zero. But the spirit of Anna believe of what she know.
Will Robert will find the cure in time? Do he believe Anna, about knowing of a save haven?
What will make him a legend?
I haven't read which the movie is based. But the feeling, and of course the theme, is what this movie is about. Solitary, Just having the dog, make one feel not so alone. But the true feel is the movie going with no sound, take ya to that state of mind that we all dont want to be in. The acting Give the true human felling of it, especially the scene where Sam die, take one to the boarded of madness. Willl smith gave a tough act by going solo in a film like this. Same happen to Tom Hank in Robert Zemeckis Castaway. There ways that one must survive in a isolation. There show some flashback scene that show the evacuation of Mahattan, that see Robert getting he familly out and board them in a chopper, while there panic on the street. That give the background to he character. Now the infected(that what i naming them) are all Cg, from movie to jurassic park, to the new star wars prequels film. Most movies are heading that direction ma ken them fell more than a animated film, than a real one from the deers to the Brooklyn Bridge. Cg make ya loose the reality of films, but the feel of it , just make ya forget it.
Now the billboard of the movie, made it look more marketing stunt, by some of the poster of products, and other film that soon to be release(like the teen titan, and the secret batman and superman). Make it way mainstream, they even show some porn DVD. And the ending king is not the same of the book, but i think they want start a whole new series about this world.
Best movie for this holiday season, is suppose to be a horror movie but doesn't feel like, but more like a Darren Aronofsky fell(requiem of a dream). The focus where good, to the feel of it, and the knowing there little action in it, is the perfect film that will smith could ever make.

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