viernes, 6 de marzo de 2009

Who watchest a mexican? by seen this epic.

Finally, the most revolutionary that define a whole new generation of superhero. Is made in a film, with many selection of directors and actors. It was 2006, that acclaimed director Zack Snider was the chosen for it.
The film have controversy, thank to a battle that was settle in court, that didn't effect the film release. Now is the 6 of march, and the watchmen are out to look for retribution, but will they find it in the theater?:

When the day the comedian Edward Blake(Jeffrey Dean Morgan) die in he's new york penthouse, it set a warning to all mask heroes, and the only one to investigated, is the private n mysterious Rorchach(Jackie Earle Haley). By visiting he's old teammates, the ever doubtful Night Owl(Patrick Wilson), to the second generation heroin silk Spectre(Malin Akerman), the worlds smartest man Ozymandias(Matthew Goode), and the god like being of the whole planet Dr.Manhattan(Billy Crudup). By that time the united state was on high alert when the soviet was about to begin their invasion into Afghanistan. Bringing fear to the world for a start of a nuclear war.
Now understand their struggle, from their origin, to the battle of themselves, to what it take to save life, in a world that doesn't want their protection. And how History will judge them, by discovering a conspiracy that will change the world. Who watches the watchmen?

Now the acting of the film wasn't that dramatic, coming from a unknown actors. But there were some that gave a brilliant performances, coming to James Earl Rorschach, that remind me of a very dark private detective version of Clint Eastwood, especially when it came to the shape changing mask. Jeffrey Dean, sadistic performing of the Comedian, bring the true value for what this movie is all about, from the killing of the pregnant Vietnam woman, to the raping scene, truly bring the novel to life.But i got say there were some flaws, since went is rorschach gone soft or even desperate? And to Billy Crudup act to the computer voicing of Dr.Matthatan, he's judgement through humanity, is the same on why George W. become president, than again he's origin story was the best scene of the whole film. Matthew act, was little to what we saw, he play it very elegant as the same of Kevin Costner JFK. I feel there were so little acting when it came to Patrick and Malin, i mean, there's were so much explanation to their character, that usually it was cut short. from their relationship, to their passion of crime fighting, that the novel show.

The visual are some of the spectacle that the film have, from the kung fu fighting in the prison, to the fall of the comedian, it have the green effect, to Zack last film 300. But the best went to two scene, the mirror fortress of Dr. manhattan, that is not the same of the comic, but is something that can only come from Jim Henson The dark Crystal. To the explosion of New York City, that it cannot be compare to the Independent day destruction, cause here they went cg. There were so little shot that are the same of the panel of the book. When it came to Dr. Manhattan walking through Vietnam, to Rorschach standing in the window of comedian penthouse.

Now let get to the real thing the story, i felt that Zack Snider focus on the film, felt kind of a very Summer movie, focusing in the action, and not so much of the drama. But on how the film begins, showing the history that minutemen have in history was something , that nobody didn't expected. I mean there were some part that really connect the film to the book, like the origin scene of the big blue guy, to the prison scene. Some part were change, guessing for budget reason. Like comparing to the novel, i kind miss the citizen point of view, from the newsstand, to the artist that were involve on making the creature that destroy the NY. I felt so much mix, that really the film didn't play out like i was hopeful, with the dark and grim style that it have, have a separation , coming to Manhattan origin scene kind lost the sense of the film, but it got save to the Rorschach sequences,and the variety of music that it have, show the true feel of the movie. Now i m know you will dislike this, but i think the film have could have been better if it was turn into a trilogy,cause it have so much to tell, that 2hour and half, hardly cover.

For Zack Snider directing the film, it seem not a contender for best film, but it pays, that he stick to the moral that the movie have. For just a director that have made only 2. It seem the film make ya want this is the best superhero movie of all time, but it come so short. Look i have read the novel like 5 times, and a knowing so much of it, from the story, to the characters. so it confuse me, to say that the film is good or bad, cause really there some scene that made me say "yeah, that's it all about". So be honest, been a comic guy, or a film guy give your own point of view?

The hype they have for this film could have been a little exaggerated, but with today superheros film, anything is turn into event. But really are there many people that have heard or read this novel? Well it doesn't matter, cause the world, will learn another side of what it is to been a hero. Is till a shame that the great Alan Moore couldn't be involve. Cause there's already rumors that a second one is a coming, and that's something that will make Mr. Moore cut he's beard off.
I hope it doesn't get made.

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