viernes, 23 de enero de 2009

the fang, and claw are back in a medievil time.

I don't get the beef that many people had, for the two films. They expected claws and fang to crash one and other, what they get action made right. And till the goth blame that is wrong, well it got Gothic scenery, black leather, and more a war so unique that have been seen once, on a episode of the real ghostbuster cartoon. Well guess what this time they went with a prequel, that tell the story how it began:

A war began between Vampire and full breed lycan( once transform it loose all human self) it took two decade to ended. By that time one peculiar birth introduce to the hybrid, half lycan and half human, in which Viktor(Bill Nighy)overlord of the covenant, took him in and name him Lucian(Michael Sheen). a new race of lycan was born, only turning them to slave. Working in mine digging, hammering, and whipping to get the job done. By what he didn't know that hes only daughter Sonia(Rhona Mitra) was having a affair with a lycan. But that time the counsel was preparing to name lucian the new general for their new army of hybrid that will defend them in the daylight. But when the true is reveal of the forbidding love. Sonia pay the price of treason, is death by light. Declaring vengeance with war, now the full breed and the hybrid, join to take down once and for all Viktor and he's convenant. This is how the Underworld began.

Nighy is already making a name for himself, with a super acting. If they were ever making a modern tale of Dracula , he would be playing it. Rhona, love her in Doomsday, but as a vamp she make it see sexy. There's no wonder there haven been any successor for Kate, on this film, well she fits it. Martin part, as the rebel wolf, was average, i mean is just your average spartacus, rising against he's oppressor, something that already seen.

The story play out in very kingdom of heaven way, with just protecting the castle, it does follow the continuum of the universe, but the love beet ween lucian and Sonia, gave it more drama, that really work. Not many film are well when it come to war and love like pearl Harbor. But this one with the medieval setting, prove that it can.

The scenario they have from the castle, to the mine field they very well have work on the lord of the ring trilogy, they didn't went Gothic, but more of a English type. The effect are the super than the previous ones, from the transformation to the final battle, that kind it fell like the return of the king when Aragon comes to save the day with he's ghostly friends.

The brutality that film have is little, except when it come to the escape, i mean getting shot by a spear in a mouth, ye better go to India to do that. There's some slash and dash, but when it come to the lycan rip, yeah there's blood in that. The fighting are good, not the best, but stylish. The gore factor is low, but the action is high.

Is great to see Len Wiseman till on the project, knowing he didn't directed. But Patrict(the new director) really did well, with powerful acting from part of Nighy, and a very seductress sex scene, the film rule, and who knew that he was till working on the effect apartment(knowing that where he came from).

The franchise is strong on this one. so if the goth kids are till complaining, then they better go to the gap store, and buy new clothes. Cause really the story is great, and the drama good. With rumor that Kate wont representing her role as Selina, is possible they could be heading to a new direction, and well lest be honest she have been the greatest heroine of any movie.
So with love and gore, the underworld 3 is the best of all. a DVD must(well for me).

Next stop Friday the 13.

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