miércoles, 2 de julio de 2008

you got to be #$$hole to see this film.

Will smith right now is the busiest person in Hollywood, with so many successful films, this man very well cab take on the 4th of July weekend. From great sci-fi film like Emerich ID4, to the Tommy Lee Jones buddy flick Man in Black 1and 2. Now he taking another role, that already is making a genre by itself, a superhero, directed by Peter Berg. Does he cut it, or is it something he couldn't fly to.
Here my review:
John Hancock(Will Smith) ain't your average superhero, yeah he save the days, sometimes, costing millions of damages, when he doing it, he's a drunker, a hater, and just plain couchpotato . That the public hate him, city hall more. That when he saves the life of Ray Embrey(Jason Bateman) a public relation, that find the opportunity, to help Hancock and win the public than been a flying alcoholic. For starters he advise him, to give himself up, and do time in jail(which in the end it doesn't go well), while Ray help him to be good, and how to make eye contact. While he recover, the city star to suffer, from the many wave of crimes. So that where he hear the calling, when a bank robbery is taking place. Shave, sober, and exhibiting a new suit, he is off to become L.A. defender, but there still the question of where he come from, how did he get those powers, and what connection does he have with Embrey wife Mary(Charlize Theron). This is the story of one man doing the possible, on taking advise by a guy who want to put a heart all over the world, and putting the head of someone in the rear. That's Hancock.
The story confuse me a lot, cause on the star show who he's is, demonstrating the many mischief, and destruction, when it come been a superhero, he by far the mouth show the comedic side. Then it go to the transition of a loser recovery that have a more serious and dramatic tone. The point of this film, is confusion, i mean what they were trying to tell. Is it a comedy, or just plain drama, cause Will have done that, in other movies, but when it come doing a twist to the superhero genre he try to give it another Oscar thought. Not even the Hulk can dothat, that's why is always destruction, and nothing of drama.
Will Smith performances, start great with him just speaking, and making trouble everywhere he goes. The same fun acting he gave in Independent Day. By then he go to he's pursuit of Happiness moment, which is a fast change(being the movie that last only 98 min). Jason Bateman coming from the hilarious (and cancel) Arrested Development, manege to pull it off, by been the manager, from the way that he teach him to say Good job, to giving him the uniform. Jason is getting all the atention . Now Charlize part was good, but typical, as the woman that distrust Hancock, and have mysterious connection. But most of the film she play it like guest host to the Jerry springer show.
Peter Berg shots, where great, some of the sequences were nice, from the whale scene, to the shoot out in the bank, he knows to make action scene, from he's last film the Kingdom, he give it another document look. Being Produce by Michael man the film show potential of what the superman could have been, for this. But when it come to the story telling it just go, flat.
Manny film have gone another direction, than your stander superhero film, and making somethiong new. but there hasn't been one, from Ivan Reitman My super ex girlfriend to the Super hero movie. the power of originality doesn't have. In the Marvel universe there already a bum of a superhero is name is the D-man(For demolition), that suffer the same thing.
For peter berg is know more in making great drama film, but when it come to comedy and superhero, he rather be directing superman 3. The film ain't bad, it got funny part, but the way is told, confuse it, especially when they don't mention what are they, or what purpose they have.
To finish, the movie try to show some moral value, but Will smith ain't flying good for this one, i least i like to see a spin off of the Jason character, i man that help superhero images. Now there's something they can do.

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