domingo, 6 de abril de 2008

this is why you should learn about math.

21 is a peculiar, and very unique film that i wanted to see. But yeah there been other film that base on heist or cheating. And there manny, but lately the game of poker, is what making head. right now, with the whole tournament that is airing on tv. Now there's a movie that show, if you have a plan, a strategy, and know well the numbers of every card. Well ye become a big shot, in a city that never sleep (cause they spread ya with somekind of gas to keep ya up all the night). Heres my review:
Ben Campbell(Jim Sturgess), is senior on MIT, he spend hes time working with friend building a robot for a contest, attending classes, working on a clothing store(which he was promoted, and hanging in a bar with the coworkers. But when he answer a very special answer in Mickey Rosa(Kevin Spacey) class. Discover the reason why is so important to count card. join by other member, he is it, train, to learn words that turn to number, and study the true strategy of blackjack. Cause on the weekend beside smuggling money, is Vegas baby, is Vega. Where the table come with hes own rules, when in go, one of the member show he hand on back mean the game is hot, when is pointed in the eye, it means, we need to talk, and a stroke in the hair, is time to go. making it the best time of he's life, money, girl, respect while been watch by a security agent by the name of Cole(Laurence Fishburne) who already had a run in with Mickey. All is good but back home, he make every aside from classes, to he friends. Becoming more greedier that could jeopardy the team, with a jealousy, and some mistrust with the leader. Is a good life, but when you add more card to the deck, is a lost.
This is 21.
The movie is special on the way the cheat on poker, is like been in 5th grade all over again. i mean i don't know that there some drama or is it a manual on how to count the card. The narration was good, cause is told by the way the card is play. same way that Morgan freeman describe a boxing fight in million dollar baby.
Kudos go to Kevin Spacey acting, on this films, as the best leader and squealing teacher in a movie. Just looking on he devilish eyes you know that he can make yer life bad in school steal ya everything that you own. Jim Sturges role was very cliches on a regular note, from the shy beginner to the compulsive addict, that the same to Philip Seymour Hoffman owning mahowny.
The varies stages that the movie have, was well narrated, cause the best part was the technic they had, on cheating, from the mule in a crotch, to cashing the chips using your local strippers, the art is fun and intelligent, yet need be a mathesian to get into the action. but different to another Dustin Hoffman movie(Rainman). But more educational(ok i m exxagerating here)
So the movie dont have the king of rock, or brad pitt, matt dillon, or a george clooney, but is wellcraft, it has it own style of playing it. And showing the real life of what Vegas is all about.
So if ye wanna see something di9fferent, that doesnt have side gags, or bad remakes, or guys that got powers. Then go and see what math is good for you.

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