miércoles, 15 de abril de 2009

Ah christ moment present: Dragonball Evolution

First of all what does Ah christ moment mean?
Well is when a Mexican that got nothing to do, go out and watch a bad movie.
In this case is Dragonball, i have seen my share of great martial art, from the Micheoh, Bruce, Jackie, to even the shaw brother's. Lately hollywood have been cashing in some, from last year the forbidding Kingdom to the Cg fat panda Kung fu panda. Now they take the most popular and recognizable manga(and Anime) of the 90's into a very and not so Indy like adventure, cause really where the wire?
Here the Review:
A long time a go, earth was been decimated by the conquest of Lord Piccolo(James Marster), that almost destroy it. Until Some Mystical Monk capture him, and imprison him in a jar. Now century have pass, where a old man train he's pupil the young, but overconfident Goku(Justin Chatwin) where in school he's is always bully a lot, which he can used he's kin agaisnt them. But when the evil return to haunt the old man home, and reclaim the dragonball, so he ca summon the most fear est monster of all. With he's only love one gone, Goku must set into a quest to find the other six mystical ball, on the trip, he meat a sleuth of character that join him: The determind, and techie Bulma(Emmy Rossum), the pervert, but very wise Master Roshi(Chow Yun Fat) and the treasure, always looking for a quick buck Yamcha( Yoon Park). To look and find them before the dreaded Piccolo do. From high flying, to finding a place where you below, and share it with new friends. Learn your Kin level, and study your kame kame ha
Cause this is the world of Dragonball.
Cause really it really doesn't have any serious acting, just something out of a B film.
Justin hair may done the look of the main hero. But hes act doesn't, from taking flirt of Chi chi, and learning new moves from the master, the guy come slow, in a very cloudy kind of way.
Then Bulma didn't seem that convincing, cause really she's a owner of a major technological company, but fail in the whinning thing, and the Yamcha crush, to soon for the film, especially when he try to steal from ya. Jamie chang performance was like the Hello Kitty of the film. Hey here's something you shouldn't have done, corny. Yamcha well there ain't nothing to talk about.
The only character that i think that almost save it, got to Chow Yun Fat. To he's funny acting, and always putting the hand on bulma(twice) was the true entertainment of the film. They should make another focus on him.
The story came short, and not that joyful. The environment that is set in, really got the feel of the dragonball universe, on been diverse, on the raise of color, and the futuristic setting, and of course the fantasy of the martial art. But really it seem they didn't told on how Piccolo escape, and why Goku didn't grow the size of he's father King Kong? knowing they left out the saiyan part out. And most of the appearances were to fast, well that what you get when is a 90min film.
It seem the adventure didnt look that interesting to begin with, i mean piccolo was already destroying city's, with that strength he can already take over the planet by breakfast morning.
And the training that Goku got, well let just say that kid that started in the Forbidding city, with just one kick, Goku can forget about existing.
Now the fight are always important for the series, and every fan of this series know about. Here they seem short from the rope by beginning of it, that something they took from Bulletproof Monk(Another Chow Yun Fat made with stiffler), and the Rochi they should be send to jail by pulling that cg arm fight, You don't need effect when it come to the kung fu. That's why there the wires? which they didn't used. The best fighting that the film have, goes to Jamies Chung, she the only actress that have the most training. And the epic one between Goku and Piccolo, well let just say that something that only Hollywood can do for their own brand of martial art.
So the film come bad in all. But really what were they thinking, Cause really the crouching tiger and hidden dragon is till consider the best thing that the Chinese gave to the Americana's. Here something that i can also add why they didn't put Grillin instead of Yamcha, i know they based it upon on the first one that was Dragonball, but fail in the character acting. Well this is a franchise that really was made by the Japs, cause everybody know that Anime films(the classic ones) last only to 80's to 90 min.
Well the first of a series of bad movies that need to be watch, cause really i know most wont.
This is even why observe and report should have a chance to be in on the ·1 on the box offices. But hey Disney won that one. So hey if you were expecting something of this film then don't, cause really Hollywood cannot always make them great, but if you do? bring some couple of your buddies, and laugh for the fun of it.
Next stop X-men origin: Wolverine.

miércoles, 8 de abril de 2009

New parts, new models, but need a better plot.

When this film came out is started a new trend, in mechanic, machine, design, that only the Mtv crew could ever exploit(that when Britney went bald). That even other channel follow it to, from the pimping, to the challenge, made more kids wasted their high earning college money to make their their ride look pretty, even more than the girlfriend. Now the original gang are back finally with new cars, new racers, new chases, but all that was left the hood of the story open.

Dom Torretto(Vin Diesel) is back and this time with a new team, doing what their best, only this time in the south America, but when the police catch up. The is time to move on to another country. Leaving he's only love the fearest and risk breaker of Letty(Michelle Rodriguez) . Meanwhile back on L.A. Brian O'Conner is now reinstated to the F.B.I., cracking down a drug Cartel that have been hiring Drivers for trafficking cocaine from the Mexican border, that have the name of Braga. But when Dom receive a call from he's sister Mia(Jordana Brewster) telling that Letty was kill. That lead him to investigate it, that lead him to the same Cartel as O'Conner. When both receive the same name of David Hick, that get them into a race that will get them closer to Braga. Where now they have to transport the goods, for the cartel, by doing it from a hidden cave, but Dom vendetta could ruin their cover up, And O Conner bosses want to shut the case. They have to separate their differences, and bring once that friendship back, that take them to face a whole army of the cartel. And yes drive some new model cars with the latest state of the art GPS(Im a techhead too), burning wheel along the way.

Ok let star with the acting, i mean the Vin one was the same that he used in another movie (The chronicle one) And really what glow for this guy is the in jokes that play well for he's persona. Paul Walker till show the same rookie performances as the first, it was like they were repeating the first part all over again. So there ain't real acting or Drama, but i think the ladies will like just for the pretty faces.

The story wasn't that bad, i really dig the hate they have at the beginning of the film, then later come the reconciliation, that really had that 48hr buddy thing. But wish i could have love the changing point when Vin discover that it was Paul fault for the Letty death, that could have bring something new for the movie. Now the new enemy being a drug cartel, is something that they recycle from the 2nd, that really they have went with something big or small, like a gang or something else. And the most predictable thing of all, who was playing the main bad guy, that's t when they went with the saw surprise. It s felt they wanted make a more streetish version of a James Bond movie. But is not all that bad, is the action :

I got say they brought some very new stunt to the film, from the last car chase from the tunnel, it felt like the pod race mix with some very cool pitch black effect, then lets not forget Vin jumping car moment, l mean where to you think he got that idea(hint the video game he did with car's). The gps car race, was new add for the film, cause when it came to the GPS guiding direction scene, that something tron that could too. And the great truck robbery was well choreograph, when it came to the stealing of the tanks, but true suspense come from the downhill, that let me say this once , a car passing over a rolling flaming tanker, is so gone in 60 seconds.

It was truly strange to see Justin Lin back to directing it. The man knows action, i bet he have been playing burnout or some need for speed and doing it in a very tony scottish way. Is also cool to see how Dom knew Han from the tokyo drift(i bet to critic didnt that find that). But the weird thing is it a sequel or a prequel to Tokyo, i mean where's Digs from the 2fast, they left plenty of loopholes that it wasn't explain.

Well it works more as entertainment, than something that could start a trend all over again.But really i only went to see director Justin again, that drift wasn't that bad. Furious always had that street style that made it for me something new, and original. But while the sequel came, is have been loosing that style, and going more Mtv. But with the action that it have, it till make for a beautiful u turns. So pimp yourself, head to the theater, and decide driver it, or pull the break. Hey a least ain't the transporter 3.(really man ye should have went underground).

next stop the Ah christ! Dragonball evolution.