lunes, 24 de mayo de 2010

the title said it all.

Is not your average comic book movie. Cause really all it said people just wearing costume. There have been lately this kind of films, from Woody Defendor, to the drug inducing Special. Showing common people doing thing that only in comic book exist. Matthew Vaughn Brought to us something rare, that many critic have already calling it a mix of Taratino with Superhero. And their right, here's the review:

Aaron Johnson(Dave Lizewski) Was your average teen geek in high school, Always been ignore by girls, been rob in he's nearest comic books store, always same night in the computer throwing tissue in the thrash. Until one day he's fascination off comic, inspire him to become a mask vigilante, and fight some crime. Giving he's name of Kick Ass, as he's first intend of fighting bad guys,land him on the hospital being stab. He's second gave him some bruising, but fought until the end, and already becoming a in star, thank to the Internet. That whole city took notice of he's act. And motivating others, to pick up a costume, and fight some crime. Enter the father n daughter crime duo, known as Big daddy n Hitgirl(Nicoles Cage/Chloe Moretz) taking it to a whole new level that make some mafia boss piss. Frank D.Amico put a price on kick ass for shutting down he's operation, and for killing the boys. So when he sent He's son Chris D.Amico(Christopher Mintz Plasse) to find him. Thing star to get bloody, with mask on them.

I think Aaron acting, was very obvious, but funny, in the form that he narrated the whole film, and explaining the whole concept of what make a hero. But the guy hit it out the ball game when came to the brutal beating that made it. Far entertainig. Mclovin Chritopher Mintz, gave a not so thrilling performances, just more of a car salesman showing off he's mist mobile. Mark Strong already is a gangtar, i mean where did they discover this guy. Making he's performance role so greedy, mean, and just play out bad guy. He already is leaving actor Sean Bean without a bad guy role. Nicole's play the geekiest dad ever(with some gun fetishes). Pull some nice move. But not so Nicer as her cos star that took the film Chloe Moretz. This little girl show us. To not be menacing with her, when yer playing some halo. The girl became as the new slasher, and john woo star of the year. I mean she actually says the best line of the film. So ye best stay away from her, when she have a butterfly knife.

I haven't read the adaptation of the comic that is based on. But Mathew did he's homework right. The man really play right with the story giving one of the character their story, and their background, and putting some faithful things to it, that come straight out of the comic. Cause trust me what i heard is more extreme, and dark. Hes action scene, were by far he's best, from Hit girl corridor gunfight, to Kickass beat down. Even the night vision shooting were a masterpiece, very stylish, in the way that he's gaming side inspire him to do it. Something Doom never did right(not even putting the rock as the villain). I really appreciate the most, when he let the actual artist of the comic book John Romita Jr. Drawing the original story of Of Big Daddy n Hit girl, their reason over Frank D.Amico. Something that only in spider man two which as the beginning saw the art of Alex Ross. Nice. And the music was OK in the aspect of how well play in every scene of the film. I love the spaghetti Western the most.

Matthew Vaughn came out as Guy Ritchie second director. Now he already is gonna star filming the new x-men movie. Making he's first movie all about crime, and the second a fantasy(also related to a comic). Took a huge risk, to finance this film, and making it. Into what so happen to be the very best comic book movie of the year.(Knowing that title already iron man2 has it)

So another thing:

This is it my 100 review, yo all. I mean 3 years it took me to get it. I know my life suck, but thank to this blog that got me into the thing i like the most watching, and bitching about movies. I also put my famous top ten of everything, beside some Mexican jokes. But it was a great trip to financing and writing this review. And also adding a dedication to a dear friend.

I mean this it was great achievement that Mexican ever did, beside been corrupt than the president of the country. I know their ain't people reading it, but god felt good doing it.

I gonna stop for a while, cause i really wanna work on something on this occasion, and make something different.

But really this have been a great accomplishment, that no word need to describe it. Even better cause really a movie like Kick Ass was something that i needed, to get my amp high.

so if ye one the guys pelandome(gave a rat ass to my blog)

Thank you.

And see ya on the next media.

jueves, 20 de mayo de 2010

Well it was epic, but for beginning it works.

Well we all know the story, of the infamous Robin hood. he's mode always was steal from the rich, and give to the poor. With so many reincarnation, from novel, tv series, etc. There's a new version, directed by Ridley Scott, and starring gladiator Russell Crow. But it beg is it good, to steal, or rather be left to the rich?
Here's my arrow of review:

King Richard(Danny Huston) was running he's campaign all over France, where a archer and he friend fight at he's side. Robin Longstride(Russell Crow), where he's friend Little john(Kevin Durand), Will(Scott Grimes), and the musician Allan(Alan Doyle) fight with all their might, until they escape. Soon after the King ha fallen. A group of knight travel back to London to give the announcement, until they are ambush by French knight lead by Godfrey(Mark Strong). In their way Robin and he's friend are caught in the fray.
By now they find their one way ticket to home. As disguising as knight, and return the crown.
Meanwhile back in Nottingham Lady Marion(Cate Blanchett) is having trouble on plating, cause everyday her farm is been rob by a pact of orphan Hoodlum. In London News came of the death of the king that Prince John is name as the new, As for robin and he's merry man head to Nottingham, where they are receive as hero, Lady Marion welcome Robin to her house, where he meet the Lord of the country side. A telling him about the death of he's child. Meanwhile back on London, King John star to cause trouble when he sent he fellow man Godfrey to ambush and storm every village, taking everything of their wealth. Knowing soon that he actually a french spy, preparing a invasion. That London wont be knowing. Back Robin star to enjoy of he's new life, with all he friend, until trouble come. This is only the beginning of a legend that save England, and defeated the French. Outlaw he was, but hero became.

Well i got say the chemistry of all the actors were good, is like having a party in a bar, or better yet High School. Russell play he same all hero title that he done before. From Proof of life, to gladiator. Cate Blanchett play her best foolish, and amazon warrior in years, not Oscar worthy but fair. Oscar Issac should have been the villain, cause unfairness to he's role, that he transformation of hero of war was just blain.

Well it play out more of a epic(that Ridley is always good on doing), but it fell flat. By the middle of the film, when their just talking about starting a civil war. But the way is told was good, but there were so many changes, wasn't the forest Sherwood, And lady Marion was in fact a princes?
Well what ever they did, entertain. The way Of the archer was the prime focus when it came to the battles. This is more of the origin, of what made Robin the legend that he is know. But of course the changes, we didn't see the star of he's stealing, well just one scene, after that. Is just some sword slashing.

Ridley really want it to turn it into a epic that it work. But come on this guy is a hero, and a thief at the same time, that should be the prime focus of the film. The changes they did, really got me of guard. I m sticking to the classic. But it work for passing the time.

martes, 18 de mayo de 2010

i sleep fine after watching it.

The first time i saw the original, with scare in your face Robert England.
Gave me the experience of watching a scary movie at the age of 5. Birthing my first nightmare. Also been the day that i pray for the sun to come up. Now take 3 tequila shot, ye get them for a whole week(and i dont mean the drink). Now a remake came out, made by the same studio that did the awesome Friday the 13.
But is it scary to suffer some insomnia, or is it like watching a late 90 sequel of it.
Here my cutting review:
A series of killing have been happening in the town Of Spring wood, related to their dream. Describing them as a man wearing a hat, and a glove with claws. Tormenting them to kill them. When Nancy(RooneyMara) star to investigating, with the help of loner emo kid Quentin(Kyle Gallner) to discover the man with the claw glove. Taking them to discover a dark secret that their parent have been hiding from them. But first they must stay a wake. Cause freddy(James Earle Haley) is coming to get ya.
Well the acting on this film fell something out of a crime novel, or worst troma film. I mean i dont get this Generation cw kid. Is so much drama they too, why dont they take it to seriously, some of the line are well used(from other movie). Look their so much sadness and rebel with a cause. that really fall.But on other hand James role as the nightmare killing Freddy wasn't that bad, i love the voice he gave that really seem convincing. Especially when came to the killing i mean is not better than Robert England, but it work.
Now the story was really a rehash of the first one, that really made the film pointless, Why you ask? Well cause you feel that you already saw it, i mean it was good they have the secret that their parent were hiding. And of course the flashback scene that really gave a new refresh to the film. But after that i think it lost their touch of imagination, i mean the glove in the tub, then the discovery of the cave, i mean that part felt more like the first ring. Then there some scene they have to borrow from other movies, case in point the adrenaline shot in the chest, can you say pulp fiction, And "spoiler alert" freddy decapitation speech, that so freedy vs jason.
Got give credit for the fx, and the spooky moment that the film offer. i mean the classroom ash scene, wow that was neat, and the way James give that claw sound when he coming. Really gave the fright, but they should have really experimenting more on the killing and been more creative. Cause on Friday they really did their homework right, here they just saw the first, and that's it. come on platinum, be justified with yer remakes.
Well the film is worth seen it, for some entertainment, but not for a gory film(cause really their ain't that much). James made a character for this one. But i dont think they be making one soon.
But hey like i said i sleep like Hugh Hefner, with some playboy bunny around me.

viernes, 30 de abril de 2010

They didnt release a kraken, but me.

The Harryhausen was instant classic, thank to he's art of stop motion. From how a Pegasus fly, to the way a Medusa move, to the kraken ride from the water. Now a remake is made, that really is nothing new to the story, same old Greek story.
But how much did they change and is it worth for 3d?
So here's the story Perseus( Sam Worthington) wasn't some payback from hades(Ralph Fiennes) From killing he's family. Knowing that humanity is rebelling agaisnt the gods, Zeus(Liam Neeson) is putting the smack down. From destroying some city, by releasing the kraken. Now is up to Perseus(knowing he's half god) to travel to the furthers of the world, and find a way to defeat it. With a band of warrior, they must face from giant scorpion, to facing a Medusa, that will stone them. Is the finest hour, and knowing this our hero must face.
OK there really no act on this film, cause all we heard is machismo and thensome. Sam really doesnt give nothing, i prefer him on the terminator, and avatar. But really he need more work for the action department. Liam and Fiennes as always well respect actors, they know their line. And playing as gods is something that this film have. So respect to that.
Now the original Perseus fall in love for Andromeda, for just answering the riddle she always give. On this one they head to a different direction that seem to me lost. I mean for a ageless women, that show him how to fight a Medusa, just wrong. And then there's the question on why hades have to be the main bad guy, on every modern Greek myth film. Really people there other, have anyone play the god of war trilogy. And they don give screen time to Pegasus. The film work out more like adventure story, but more of a short version.
The effect are quite good, especially when it came to the rise of the kraken, from he's tentacle destroying the city to when he scream, some impressive detail. The scorpion really when all NFL to our Heroes. That really gave that extra push of action of the film, gave the meaning on how to make a Greek myth film. Let not forget the Victoria model Medusa, that really pull it off on her slithering way of moving, put some tension to the film.
Now what did i thought about the tradition to 3d? They were eating some mushroom for making the dumb mes decision of all time. I felt from the beginning of the film it wasn't necessary, until the second and the third part. But really nothing come at you. Comparing this film with avatar, i say they really gave it that much thought. Look there some film that is gonna be made intentionally for 3d and other not, cause i dint jump of my seat(well except by going to the bathroom).
So keep the 3d for this one, and see it in 2d instead. And yes there till 3 to go for the big 100.

They say sarcasm doesnt take ya nowhere, well it work for this film

Marvel is on a roll, since the first one came out. Forming their own studio, they already had plan on making more than 3 movies. And expectation are high. Now the sequel of the one that started it all, come with the same cast, but new villain, and a new face that been Don Cheadle taking the roll that Terrence Howard play.

Does it work, is it better than the first, or is another sequel that deserve to be in thrash:

Tony Stark(Robert Downey) is in lot heat since he gave the announcement that he really is the Iron Man. Now the U.S. government want to confiscated it, Pepper Potts(Gwyneth Patrol) is promoted as CEO, and he body is suffering from the effect of the Arc light. But when he is attack by Ivan Vanko(Mickey Rourke) it come for some attention from part of the competitor and he's founder Justin Hammer(Sam Rockwell) and Hammer industry. But thing gets worst when Tony drinking get to the worst, that not even James(Don Cheadle) can help them. That it need of Nick Fury(Sam Jackson to intervene. And get him straight. But mean while Ivan is already working with James, for making he's new set of toys. Will Tony find someone a way to get back on the suit? Or he's legacy will end, that he will jeopardize everything he build?

Acting from Robert as alway sensational, every line that this guy said. Is gold from the start. It was great to seen more acting time for Gwyneth that i think, she gave her best Mommy performance ever. Hey at least she didnt spend it screaming all the way. Sam Rockwell is great addition from the start, he was not to evil, but it work, for a businessman tycoon. Scarlett Johanson, was very little, but her action sequences, sold it.Mickey rourke, really got that Russian edge, cause bringing a bad ass, tattoo russian Physics gave something to think, to keep him making more evil roles. Now the main question go how well Don Cheadle did? Well Actually it was good, not fun. But good, respect this guy started out as a comedian, now he's in drama. But Garry Shandling and Jon Favreau took the fun moment of the film. Cause that senator role is the best he have done since he's show.

Now the story, what made the first such a hit, what the performance(but more the dialogue). The rhythm that the film had. Was long and short when it came to the action sequences. From the downfall of Tony, to the fixing of Hammer drone, the film lack off on the action. Now i m not saying the is a total bust, but the acting is what saved it lot. I think the relationship that Robert had with Gwyneth made it fell like a episode of friend. It was thoughtful, and funny. The dialogue of the 2nd act it was saved it. With so much sarcasm, there is really no reason to leave, not even for a bathroom break. The effect are till there, like always, something that came out from a star trek next generation episode.

Now there were little action from the fight of the race car, to the final duel with Ivan, they were short, and needed more time, including some more action from the war machine. It was something that was missing from the film, i know the acting of robert always save it. But come on this is based on a comic, and it got it action. So beside giving the explosion and the neat effect, the suspense for the action was just missing.

So bottomless, the film is great, the story is fantastic, but needed that extra battery, to make it as a popcorn film. So is worth to see and laugh, and be thrill(if it mean it was little). So enjoy it, cause stay during the credit, cause what next (spoiler alert) it only come from Asgard.

domingo, 11 de abril de 2010

till to the 100: God nothing to say about this.

religion in film have been a hot calamity. Since Mel Gibson made the Passion.
Since then everything that is base on, turn out into controversy. If you want something like that, then lets star with Paul Bettany wingful action flick, Legion.
And Guest what, ain't that holy but Fruity(not to offend the gays).
Here's my Antichrist of a review:

So the whole thing star with god, not so happy how humanity, have turn out. So to bring the apocalypse, he sent angels, do it. That's where one angel defied him Michael(Paul Bettany). Landing on earth, he cut he wing, saw them, then arm him, and go to a deserted diner place, in the middle of nowhere. Meeting a 8 month pregnant waitress Charlie(Adrianne Palicki), The not so boyfriend of a mechanic Jeep(Lucas Blacki), the handicap cook Percy(Charle S. Dutton), the lost man Kyle(Tyrese Gibson), The TV bashing owner of paradise falls Bob, and last the stranded family Howard(Ron Tenney, Audrey(Willa Holland), And the mother Sandra(Kate Walsh). When their situation is change when swap of fly head their way, and Michael warning them, of what is to come. So now is a stand still a la Alamo. Armed and ready for anything, for the sake of Charlie baby. Knowing they have to face all type of angels, and discover who the weakest of them all. It will take more than courage to face this army, but fate in one self.

OK some of the acting weren't that exciting to begin with. I mean Lucas black ain't the star of the moment, but he really lost me here. Dennis really should star working for TV. or something else. Tyrese can really let go of the stereotype role that is always giving to him. And really i wont say anything of the other actors, cause really there's nothing good, to talk about. Some of their back story are so cliche, and they till end dead. Paul Bettany is a respected actor, cause common every British guy is, but this role really made him look soft, and just pitiful.

Now the story dont make any sense, i mean why in god green house he wanted he next son dead? Can anybody answer me that. Most of film that take some element from the bible to make it feel good, case in point the Matrix. But here we get just a angel with a machine gun killing innocent civilian, that are posses. Another thing that i dont get. Ain't that from the devil. And really there ain't any archangel battle. The story feel pointless, from the beginning to time they kill Michael, to the awesome car sequences. The film dont follow any religion morals.

But is not all bad i mean the final clash between Michael and Gabriel, those iron wings really pay off. Cause really the only angel that i know that have them is character from the Marvel X-men.
But the film turn out as Alamo stand, that really was good, but get tired. The husband exploding some acid was something brutal, kind of think of it, is the only brutal thing they got. But really they didn't play their card right on the kid that wanted to kill Michael. I mean really guys, ye got put that in. That i felt kind disturb seen it. I mean if you wanna see it done right, then rent yourself the children instead.

So the mix of fate and action, really dont work on the film. Angel action have, but really they should have gonna we something else. Religion film are made to give us a point of view of any type. But this really didn't, Rambo would rather be Jewish after watching it.

I m not trying to be mean here, but really i want my money back, and go out and rent Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter instead.

domingo, 21 de marzo de 2010

Road to 100: the best vampfilm so far.

thank to the twilight phenomenon, everything thing that having a vampire, mean is gonna make some cash. Thank to the fangirl craze(dreaming with a chance on doing it with Pattison). Anyway, mostly all of it, have made to tv series, the only thing that is a movie, with vamp. Is January premier Daybreakers, beside going with the whining, and gay fantasy, turning it into something futuristic and action park. That actually work? Here the review:
in the future, humanity suffer a epidemic, in which it was turn into vampires. Giving birth to a whole new race of immortality, free of every disease, and only living with the feed of blood. Now 9 year pass, and their reserve are running out, which desperation for blood, start to cause panic in the street. Turning them from regular vamp, to more freakish wing one. Now is up to blood researcher Edward Dalton(Ethan Hawke) to find a replacement, and stop this craze. So by now is hunting what is left of humanity, and get the blood necessary. Until the good doctor happen to meet a group of human, lead by Audrey(Claudia Karvan). That take him to meet the one person that can cure the vamp hunger, so humanity can survive can survive. Calling him the Elvis(Willem Defoe) . So will Ed find a solution to the vampire hunger? or will
Charles Bromley(Sam Neil) have other plans for the company that harvest the blood?
Well i must say the role of Ethan Hawke was good, than average nothing new to offer. But with that innocent look that he always have since , explorers. He will always be the good guy. Defoe gives he best John Wayne impersonation(well that how i see it) tat really doesn't fit. I respect this actor, and all he's film credentials, but here just give him the guitar and he be ready. Sam Neil the same, great actor, always doing he's devilish take, that always works. Only this time he's playing a vampire businessman. That's surely fit.
The movie star well, with the girl burning. Giving the side effect of what is been immortality is about? That later focus on the city, that really dont say. But the focus of the story of the blood reserve running out was something, new. The whole environment, from the subway, do the low lights of every house, to how they harvest the human. All was great, especially the harvesting, that really disturb me. The action is something good that directors Spierig know to do. From the first chance sequences when they are sliding to the rail of the bridge to the ambush of night, but their drama is fine too. I mean the scene that Neil want her daughter to be turn. There's another thing that confuse me, ain't she suppose to be ashes? Well anyway the suspend is rare, cause their ain't that much Cg to the whole film. Except from the burning scene.
The brothers Spierig made to the scene with their zombie film Undead. Now their take to the vampire, work, i mean the acting is average, but the whole plot that is all about is what sold it. The Aussie knew, only to make car film, and something. But doing something else really fit. I m starting to look forward what else can this brother do. Cause their wave of making films, could star a new style of grind house film.